Space Exploration

  • the soviet union

    The soviet union was the greatest rivail to the U.S. because they were scared of germany.
  • the cold war

    [cold war - history channel]( the tension between two countries were so cold that it was called tyhe cold war because these two countries were Enimese.
  • Sputnik launches

    Sputnik 1 was the first artificial Earth Sputnik launched - Oct 04, 1957 -
  • The space program

    legislative origins of the national aeronautics and space act . A space program called the National Areonautices Space Admission
  • gov. agencey in charge

    <a href='' >EPA History | About EPA | US EPA</a> In the U.S. they created a gov. agencey in charge because what if no one was in charge it would have been crazy.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy is selected as the 35th presedent.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    John Glenn was the first man to orbit the world
  • NASA

    NASA selects its second group of astronauts.

    2020 Landing Site for Mars Rover Mission - Nasa
  • Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova

    Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space.
  • John F. Kennedy

    President Kennedy is assassinated.