Period: to
Space Exploration
Sputnik 1
Sputnik was Earth's first artifical satelite. It was launched by the Soviet Union. Sputnik 1 is the size of a beachball. It marked the start o fthe space age. -
Explorer 1
The US's first artificial satelite. It made about 13 orbits in a day. On March 1, 1970 it entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up. -
Mercury Freedom 7
Mercury Freedom 7 was a 15 minute suborbital flight. Alan Shepard was on board the capsul. This was more then 50 years ago. The capsul is moved to different locations every few years. -
Apollo 11
The first mission where people landed on the moon. eil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin Jr., and Michael Collins were the first to step on the moon. The men collected samples from the moon to bring them back to earth. -
Gemini 3
The flight of Gemini 3 lasted about 5 hours. On board were Virgil Grissom, and John Young. -
Viking 1
Viking orbited around Mars and landed. It was in search of carbon-based building blocks of life. -
Voyager 1
Voyager 1 was sent to collect samples from Jupiter and Saturn. It went off course and now it is traveling to the end of the suns' domain. It is known the eventually we will loose communication with it, but we will keep it going as long as possible. -
Columbia Space Station
It was launched from Florida, and it wa sthe first reusabel spacecraft ever made. The rocket boosters were reusable after the where recovered fomr the ocean. The fueal tank was not reuase because it burned as it returnes to Earth. -
Mars Pathfinder
The pathfinder was sent to mars to gather tests about the planet. It was not sent alone; the pathfinder was also sent with a lander and the combined two will communicate therir findings. -
Intenational Space Station
The ISS is an international satelite that orbits Earth. It orbits low. It can oftern be seen by the unaided eye at a given time.