Sputnik 1
The Soivet Union lanches Sputniik 1 because then it means that Russia could send nucular weapons into orbit and have them go off. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Sputnik 2
The Russians lanch Sputnik 2 which carried a small dog named Laika into orbit. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Explorer 1
Explorer 1, the first Amercain satilite to reach orbit, is launched. It carried scientific equipment that lead to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Explorer 2
Explorer 2 is launched but it fails to reach orbit. It is launched by the United States. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Vanguard 1 Satilite
The Vanguard 1 satilite is launched. It continues to function for three years, it is launched by the United States. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Sputnik 3
Sputnik 3 is launched by the Soivet Union, under the International Geophysical Year programme. It is designed to study the upper layers of the atmosphere and cosmic space. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/. -
The National Aeronautics and Space Adminitration (NASA) is formed, it replaces the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
PIoneer 1
Pioneer 1 is launched to a height of 70,700 miles. It i slaunched by the United States. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Luna 1
Luna 1 is launched by the Soviet Unioin. It is the first man made object to orbit the sun. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Pioneer 4 is launched on a Eath-Moon trajectory. Ii passed with in 37,000 miles of the moon before falling into a solar orbit. It is launched by the United States. http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/