The Telescope Invention
The first telescope was invented by: Hans Lippershey -
Galileo Galilei discovers the moon
Galilei discoveres the four largest moons on Jupiter, named Zesus: lo, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto. -
Pluto's discovery
Urbain Le Verrier estimated where pluto was located in the 1840's becuas of the way Uranus rotated but, Pluto was not actually seen until the 1930's. -
V2 Rocket
The V2 rocket was created in Germany intended for weapon use during World War 2. It was the first man-made rocket to go into space. -
Sent the first animal into Space
The first insect sent into space were fruit flies. The reasons for doing this was to see if they were going to survive in space, and if humans would. The fruit flies survived. -
First photo of Earth from orbit
Explorer 6 was a satelite created to complete many things one of the things it gave us it a photo of Earths orbit. It was from the United States. -
First man in space
Yuri Gagarin was the first human to ever go into outer space and orbit the Earth. He was from Russia. -
Fist spacewalk
Alexey Leonov was the first man to walk in space. He walked in space for twelve minutes. He was from Russia. -
First landing on the moon
The Luna 9 first landed on the moon this was the first landing on any other planet other then Earth. -
First photos of Mars soil
This mission known as Viking lander was the most expensive mission for Mars. It was a pair of American probes. -
First photograph of Solar System
Voyager 1 was a probe designed to study the outer solar system. This probe was working for about 37 years. It produced the first picture of the whole solar system. -
First mission to pass all planets
Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to go pass all planets. It was an American probe. -
First landing on an asteroid
The NEAR Shoemaker was oberated by NASA was created to study the aestroids near the Earth. The probe orbited the aestroid many times before finaly landing. -
First orbit of Mercury
The first orbit of Mercury was with MESSENGER it was a Mercury probe. -
First probe to land on a comet
The first manmade probe landed on a comet. The Rosetta soacecraft was the first spacecraft to orbit a planet.