Space Exploration

By tb19311
  • Fist Telescope

    Fist Telescope
    The first telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey
  • Period: to

    Space Exploration

  • Galileo found Jupiters four largest moons

    Galileo found Jupiters four largest moons
  • For the first time man observed craters on the Moon, satellites around Jupiter and witnessed the phases of Venus like those of the Moon.

    For the first time man observed craters on the Moon, satellites around Jupiter and witnessed the phases of Venus like those of the Moon.
    For the first time man observed craters on the Moon, satellites around Jupiter and witnessed the phases of Venus like those of the Moon.
  • William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, using a mirror telescope he had constructed.

    William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, using a mirror telescope he had constructed.
  • First exposition of the rocket equation and the UK

    First exposition of the rocket equation and the UK
  • The first fueled rocket

    The first fueled rocket
    The first fueled rocket
  • The US reaches its first high altitude space flight

    The US reaches its first high altitude space flight
  • First animals up into space (fruit flies)

    First animals up into space (fruit flies)
    First animals sent up into space (fruit flies)
  • First artificial satellite put into space that brings back signals to earth launched by the USSR

    First artificial satellite put into space that brings back signals to earth launched by the USSR
  • Soviet Union launches Sputnik

    Soviet Union launches Sputnik
  • The first artifical satelite in space launched by the USSR

    The first artifical satelite in space launched by the USSR
  • First photo of Earth

    First Photo taken fromspace by N.A.S.A.
  • First human space flight

    First human space flight
  • First sample of an asteriod

    First sample of an asteriod
    brought from Japan we got our first look at a piece of an asteriod.
  • Rover lands on Mars

    N.A.S.A. successfully lands the Rover on Mars