First Exposition of Rocket Mechanics
the first expoition of rocket machanics was when the first rocket exploted, based on newtons third law of motion -
Soviet Rocket Society Established
the soviet rocket society established is when the Soviet Union establishes the Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel -
First Liquid Fueled Rocket Launched
the first liquid furled rocket launched was when fuel was invented and first used in a rocket. the rocket reached an altitude of 41 feet and a speed of about 60 miles per hour -
First U.S. High Altitude Flight
the first U.S. high altiude flight is when the millitary acheves its first high altitude space flight, with and altitude at about 70 miles -
First Animals in Space
first animals in spave is when fruit flyes where discoverd in space -
First artificial satellite, Sputnik I, is launched by Soviet Union
ween the first artificial satellite by solvet union is lawnched -
John Glenn becomes first American to orbit Earth, completing three orbits
when the first american, john glenn, orbits the earth -
First manned spacecraft to orbit moon, Apollo 8, comes within 70 miles of lunar surface
when the first manned spacecraft otbited the moon, apollo 8. -
Man walks on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin of Apollo XI spend 21 1/2 hours on the moon, 2 1/2 of those outside the capsule
when the first man walks on the moon -
Apollo 17 mission that includes the longest and last stay of man on the moon — 74 hours, 59 minutes — by astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt.
apollo misson 17. when man stays on the moon for the longest time -
Sally Ride becomes first American woman in space
when the first american woman goes in to space, sally ride -
Shannon Lucid returns to Earth after 188-day Mir mission, a U.S. space endurance record and a world record for women
when shannon lucid returns to earth from space -
Discovery becomes first shuttle to dock with the international space station, a multinational, permanent, orbiting research laboratory
when the first doc with intermatonal space station -
Shuttle Columbia breaks apart over Texas, 16 minutes before it was supposed to land in Florida
when a shuttle breaks apart over texas -
Final space shuttle mission ends when Atlantis arrives at Kennedy Space Center
when the final space shuttle ends