Space Exploration

By nevin32
  • Period: to

    Space Race

  • Sputnik 1 was launched

    The USSR launched the first artificial sattalite into orbit.
  • The USSR launches the first living being into space

    The dog Laika was launched on Sputnik 2 and was the first living being in space.
  • The US launches Explorer 1

    The space race had begun.
  • NASA is founded

    The US had an organizatin of scientists to study space.
  • The USSR launches Luna 1

    The USSR tries to land Luna 1 on the moon but it misses. It was the first object to leave Earths obit.
  • The first picture of the Earth is taken

    NASA's Explorer 6 takes the first piucture of Earth from space.
  • The USSR launches Luna 2

    The USSR launched Luna 2 and Intentionally crashed it into the moon.
  • The USSR launches Venera

    The USSR launches Verena to Venus but the probe stops responding a week after it's launch.
  • The USSR launched the first man into orbit

    Yuri Gagarin was launched into orbit of the earth by the USSR.
  • Alan Sheperd becomes the first American in space

    Mercury Freedom 7 is launched in a suborbital flight with Alan Sheperd on board.
  • John F. Kennedy speaks with Congress

    John F. Kennedy gave a speech before congress claiming that the US will land a man on the moon and return him to Earth safely.
  • The US launches Telstar 1

    Telstar 1 enabled trans-atlantic transmission of television singnals.
  • Alouette 1 is launched

    Canada's Alouette 1 is launced on a NASA rocket and becomes the first sattelite that didn't belong to the US or USSR.
  • The USSR sends the first woman to space

    Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space.
  • The US lands the first person on the moon

    Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in Apollo 11.