Space exploration

By maynk36
  • Lakia the space dog was launched into orbit

    Scientest wanted to prove that a being could survive in space
  • A goverment created a space program called NASA

    The goverment put together NASA to help life here better on earth
  • Pioneer 1 is launched at a height of 70,700ft

    Chaffe are killed when a fire ignites in their apollo 1 capsule while preforming a test on the launch pad.
  • Yuri Garin becomes the first to orbin the earth 1 time and back to earth safely

    He really wanted to go in to space. and he trained so he did it.
  • President JF Kenndy addresses congress about challenging he nation by bringing a man to the moon and back to earth safely at the end of the decade

    He wanted to make sure the US didnt fall behind the rival, and to also set a goal.
  • John Glenn orbits the earth 3 times

    Glenn went to collage to prepare for this he met all the pryorities
  • Mariner 4 returns close ranger pictures of mars

    Because Mariner 3 did not make it to mars and it failed to open properly
  • Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon

    he wanted to gater informathion and beat the solviet to the moon so they could put a american flag on the moon
  • Spudnick launched the USSR

    1st spudnick satilite put in space by the USSR. The US feared by the USSR had technology to deliver a nucular weapon via the R-7 rocket
  • US launched first satilite

    Because if there was no satilite there would be no way of comunition over the phone