Space ship

Space Exploration

  • Russian's Launch first artificial satellite

    Russian's Launch first artificial satellite
    the name of this first ever successful launching artificial satellite was named sputnik 1. The satellite was only the size of a beach ball.
  • Launch of the first US satellite

    Launch of the first US satellite
    the first American satellite, The success of Explorer 1, coming three months after the Soviet Union successfully orbited Sputnik 1.
  • NASA launches Chimp into Space

    NASA launches Chimp into Space
    The chimp was born in 1957- 1983 and launched in 1961. this chimp, Ham made History in the united states of America.
  • First American In space

    First American In space
    The first American in space was Alan Shepard. After his adventures in space when he arrived home he was the very first american to orbit our Earth.
  • Mariner 4 flies by Mars

    Mariner 4 flies by Mars
    Mariner flies by Mars and reached the planted Mars, it took photos of Mars that were the first ever pictures humans had seen of another planet.
  • First man to walk on the moon

    First man to walk on the moon
    When Apollo 11 went up into space it reached the moon and US Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever walk on the moon and when he did he said "one small step for man" " one giant leap for Man kind"
  • first Space probe to fly past mercury

    first Space probe to fly past mercury
    the Mariner 10 was the first space probe to visit mercury and also the first probe to visit 2 planet mercury and venus.
  • First Saturn Fly-By

    First Saturn Fly-By
    the pioneer 11 was the first Saturn flyby. This robotic probe made the very first Saturn flyby and Jupiter as well later in the year 1979.
  • Launch of Russian space station

    Launch of Russian space station
    This Russian space station Mir was launched in February 1986. There we no astronauts on straight away but was a great journey anyway.
  • Mir space station abandoned

    Mir space station abandoned
    this space was launched some in 1979 then in 2001 fell. this space station was abandoned and crashed on the coast of Australia in the pacific ocean.
  • Twin Exploration Rovers Set Foot on Mars

    Twin Exploration Rovers Set Foot on Mars
    these 2 twin rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) after spending about a decade on Mars spending the time focuses on discovering more about the soil and rocks.
  • Twin Rovers on Mars

    Twin Rovers on Mars
    10 Years On Mars: What Spirit & Opportunity Discovered. The twin rovers spent a decade on the Mars, using their scientific instruments and engineering cameras to explore rocks and soil. ...
  • Cancellation of the Constellation Project

    Cancellation of the Constellation Project
    US President Barack Obama cancels the Constellation project designed to take humans to the Moon by 2020.
  • Juno spacecraft enters orbit around Jupiter

    Juno spacecraft enters orbit around Jupiter
    Juno the spacecraft send off by NASA enters a orbit around Jupiter and begins a 20-month survey of the planet. Other space crafts have visited Jupiter before but Juno is more interested in studying the gas giants.
  • Cassini and Saturn's rings

    Cassini and Saturn's rings
    The robotic missions Cassini (at Saturn) and New Horizons (which flew by Pluto in 2015.) Cassini reached its last year observing Saturn's rings up-close.