Galileo Galilei Invented His Telescope
In this year, Galileo invented his first telescope. -
William Herschel Discovered Uranus
On this date, William Herschel discovered Uranus with a massive telescope. -
First Animals in Space (Fruit Flies)
On this date, the first animals (Fruit flies) were sent up into space. -
The First Satellite In Space
On this date, Sputnik 1 was launched into space by the Chinese. It was the first satillite to be launched into space. -
First Photos Of Far Side Of The Moon
On this date, the first photos of the far side of the moon were taken. -
First Animal In Orbit
On this date, the first animal was sent into space for orbit. It was a dog called Laika. -
First Photograph Of Earth From Orbit
On this date, the first photograph was taken of Earth from orbit. -
Yuri Gagarin: First Man In Space
On this date, Yuri Gagarin went into space. he was the first human to achieve this. -
First Woman In Space
On this date, the first woman (Valentina Tereshkova) was launched into space. -
Apollo 11 (Moon Landing Mission)
They left on the 16th of July, 1969, they landed on the Moon on the 21st of July, 1969. 3 people went on this mission, but only 2 got the privilege of walking on the Moon. -
The First Successful Landing Of A Spacecraft On Another Planet
The first successful landing occured on Venus on this date. The shuttle was called Verena 7, and was launched by the Chinese. -
First Orbit Around Venus
On this date, the first orbit around Venus occured. -
The Hubble Telescope Was Launched
This was the date that the Hubble Telescope was created. -
First operational Rover On Another Plane (Mars)
On this day, the first operational rover was on another planet (Mars). -
A Gamma Ray Was Detected By The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
This was the date that a gamma ray burst was detected by the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. -
First Orbit of Saturn
On this date, the first orbit of Saturn occured. -
Final Space Shuttle Mission
Mission ends when Atlantis ends at Kennedy Space Center.