Galileo improved the telescope
Galileo Galilei was first a musician. He then became interested in astronomy. -
Halley's comet discovered
Sputnik 1
The first human-made object in space.It was built to see how radio waves react and travel in space. "Sputnik" originally meant 'fellow traveler'. -
Explorer 1
The first American satellite put in earth's orbit. It was also the first of 90 Explorer spacecraft series. -
NASA is formed
Formed during the space race for more reasearch in space.
It controls all launches and missions in space. -
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to set foot on the moon, the Apollo 11 spacecraft brought them there. -
Apollo 17 returned from the moon
Apollo 17 was the last moon landing by the United States. The mission lasted 12 days. -
Hubble Telescope
The best telescope ever to be launched in space. It is used to see into the 'past' by looking into distant galaxies. -
Mars Pathfinder
Mars Pathfinder lands on Mars to examine the terrain. -
ISS (International Space Station)
The largest artificial satellite to orbit Earth. Can be seen from the naked eye. -
VGC (Virgin Galactic Commercial Space Flight)
A commercial rocket that can carry anyone into space,but it costs a fortune. -
First spacecraft to orbit Mercury
The satellite was meant to carry information to Earth from Mercury.
It came back to earth on 2011.