
  • Planck Space Telescope

    Planck Space Telescope
    Canadian astromoners unveiled the first results by the plank space telescope. This mission started in 2009 to research the oldest light in the universe. So far it has almost completed 3/4 planned surveys of the entire sky. The goal of the Planck Telescope is to study the oldest source of light in the Universe, which will reveal more details about the formation and evolution of the Universe. Lastly the next data release of the unvierse will be in January 2012.
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    Space Timeline

  • Dr. Henry Bujis

    Dr. Henry Bujis
    On May 13 2011, Dr. Henry recieves the Canadian Space Award for his excellence. Dr. Henry contributed a lot to the Canadian Space Academy, and in his honor, he recieved this very special award. Henry Buijs was presented with the prestigious John H. Chapman Award of Excellence at the Canadian Space Agency's annual celebration
  • Space Shuttle Atlantis

    Space Shuttle Atlantis
    The final flight of the Space Shuttle Atlantis took place on July 8, 2011, at 11:26 a.m. eastern time. This was the last mission of the Space Shuttle program. Atlants was to carry a very important mission, in space. With this being said, Canadian astronauts have flown 14 time on space shuttles.
  • Canadian Space Agency Invests in Exploration Ideas

    Canadian Space Agency Invests in Exploration Ideas
    By October 26 the Canadian Space Acaemy gave out six cntracts to four organziations to develop concept studies in areas related to future space exploration ventures. These contracts were valued at $250,000. The Canadian Space Telescope mission is to work with a large team of astronomers on a design for a Canadian-led space telescope!
  • Canadian Arm Turns 30

    Canadian Arm Turns 30
    The Canadian arm now survived 30 years of Industry innovation on this day. It works flawlessly for 90 Shuttle missions, spending a total of 944 days in space and travelling over 624 million km. The most famous achievements were retrieving Hubble Space Telescope for reapir, inspecting the Shuttle's heat shield to ensure its safe return to Earth and connecting the two first modules of the International Space Station. The arms legacy now lives on!
  • International Space Station Heads of Agencies Meeting

    International Space Station Heads of Agencies Meeting
    "The heads of the International Space Station (ISS) agencies from Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the United States met in Québec City, Canada, on March 1, 2012, to review the scientific, technological, and social benefits being produced through their collaboration, and to discuss plans for further broadening these benefits by continuing to advance the human exploration of space" -from the gov. website provided.
  • Mars Science Laboratory (NASA)

    Mars Science Laboratory (NASA)
    On August 6th 2012, one of the most interestng things had happend. The Mars Science Laboratory (NASA) touched down on the Red Planet. The rover carried a Canadian instument (known as the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer) which will probe the chemistry of rocks and soil on Mars!!
  • Astronaut Chris Hadfield

    Astronaut Chris Hadfield
    Something very interesting is that Astronaut Chris Hadfield returns to space for a third time and will become the first Canadian Commander of the International Space Station during the second half of his six-month mission. GO CANADA!!!