Soviet union

Soviet Union Timeline

  • 1300

    Russian Empire

    Russian Empire
    The Russian Empire was an empire that expanded from Poland to the pacific ocean. the empire was vary powerful that was a tyrant leader. This leader favored the rich and the middle and lower class starved.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Russian citizens rose up against the leader of the Russian empire the citizens of Russia won the revolution. As a new form of government the citizens chose a dictator and communist government led by Vldamier Lenin
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Two groups the reds (communists) and whites (capitalists) started a Civil war after the war, Lenin gave a speech outlining that people cannot disagree with the leader and the dictator has complete control.Lenin was assassinated by a White group member, and Joseph Stalin took over.
  • World war ll

    World war ll
    Germany was trying to take over Poland and tried to over though lots of contrys. In the end Germany was surrendering so Poland won.
  • Start of the Cold War

    Start of the Cold War
    After the Germans surrender the US and great Britain started a war agents the soviet union. people where trying to invade the communist conrtys.
  • The iron curtain was formed.

    The iron curtain was formed.
    the iron curtain was made so people cant get into the place.
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    The red scare is when the communists were trying to take over and make everything fair. when this happend everyone thought that anyone else was a spy for the communists.
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    The USA was afraid of all the contrys becoming communist. so they where fighting the war for about 8 years trying to get rid of communist.
  • Space race

    Space race
    The space race is when Russia and the US had to compete to see what they can get to space and US put the first man no the moon.
  • Cuban missal crisis

    Cuban missal crisis
    The missal was going to be figured but then they talked to the president of Cuba and they didn't launch.
  • Fall of the Soviet Union

    Fall of the Soviet Union
    the president dident like that every year more people where leaving his country. there was not lots of power due to government controlling everything.