Establishment of the Cheka
A secret police that were hired and organized by Lenin to seek out and spy on anyone suspicious that could be talking against Lenin and the government. If they thought anyone was going behind Lenin's back they could torture, arrest, and even execute that individual without a trial. -
Execution of Czar Nicholas
After the execution of the Czar Lenin took full control. War Communism was established and all factories and produced things needed for war was under control. A famine soon started as the Cheka started raiding peasants of their food to be used for war effort which was crushing Russia. -
Establishment of the Weimar Republic
Germany's new democratic government was set up. Unfortunately it had many weaknesses for it lacked strong democratic tradition.There were many political parties so decisions were not made easily.This weak government would soon lead to mass amount of debt and struggle in the future. -
Hitler Joins German Workers Party
Hitler was sent to investigate this group in Munich. He went to the meetings and was intrigued. He later became a member himself and gave many passionate speeches. This was the start of his obsessive ideals. -
Italian Socialists Party
Organizes militant stricken in Turin and other northern Italian industrial cities."Black Shirts" - a paramilitary group. New facist groups violently attack socialists. -
Mussolini Threatened a Coup d'etat
Mussolini threatens to overthrow the government. However the king refuses to sign a law giving Italian military the ability to quell the chaos and arrest the Fascists. instead he invites him to join the government. -
Stalin's Rise to Power
After Lenin's death Russia had no leader and no direction or request from Lenin who was to take over. Stalin and Trotsky went head to head competing for this enormous position. Stalin won despite the fact that Trotsky was much closer to Lenin. With this new leader appointed a whole new era of terror would soon begin. -
The Beginning of Hitlers Terror
Over time Hitler had become extremely powerful once appointed chancellor of Germany. His ideas started spreading and many were being brainwashed into these anti-jew and nazi promoted ideas. By 1933 the Nazi's boycotted Jewish business.An decree identifying Non-Aryans.Germany creates the Gestapo. To add to the horrible start of Hitlers doings the first concentration camp was built. -
Rape of Nanking
After the war the Japanese start to see themselves as superior and move toward expansion as well as extreme nationalism. To gain territory they demolish Nanking ,a city in China. This horrific travesty opens the eyes of many as they start to take action and begin to attempt to stop the constant break of the law.