Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, which began the space race with the US and Russia. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial sattallite put into earth's orbit.

By Janet G
  • Soviet Union launched sputnik 1, which began the space war with the US and Russia. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite that was put into the earth’s orbit

    Soviet Union launched sputnik 1, which began the space war with the US and Russia. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite that was put into the earth’s orbit
  • Laika, a female dog, is launched into space. After 7 days in space they had to put her to sleep. There was no way to bring back alive.

    Laika, a female dog, is launched into space. After 7 days in space they had to put her to sleep. There was no way to bring back alive.
    Laika, a female dog, is launched into space. After 7 days in space they had to put her to sleep. There was no way to bring back alive.
  • the first American satellite put into earth’s orbit was Explorer 1. The satellite remained in space until 1970

    the first American satellite put into earth’s orbit was Explorer 1. The satellite remained in space until 1970
  • NASA is formed by the United States during the space race. It controls and launches missions into space

    NASA is formed by the United States during the space race. It controls and launches missions into space
  • Alan Shepard was the first American in space. He was on board a tiny mercury capsule called freedom 7.

    Alan Shepard was the first American in space. He was on board a tiny mercury capsule called freedom 7.
  • President John F. Kennedy gives a speech at Rice University. He challenges country to take men to the moon.

    President John F. Kennedy gives a speech at Rice University. He challenges country to take men to the moon.
  • The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova. She was sent by the soviets, and was chosen to fly the spacecraft

    The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova. She was sent by the soviets, and was chosen to fly the spacecraft
  • The first American to complete a spacewalk was Ed Whit. He was in space for 23 min. and was sent on Gemini 4.

    The first American to complete a spacewalk was Ed Whit. He was in space for 23 min. and was sent on Gemini 4.
  • Luna 9 was the first space craft to do a soft Luna landing. Luna 9 took pictures of the moon.

    Luna 9 was the first space craft to do a soft Luna landing. Luna 9 took pictures of the moon.
  • Soyuz 1 caused a crash and death of Vladimir. It was the first fatal space flight

    Soyuz 1 caused a crash and death of Vladimir. It was the first fatal space flight
  • Apollo 8 was the first space craft to orbit the moon. It took them three days to complete the mission.

    Apollo 8 was the first space craft to orbit the moon. It took them three days to complete the mission.
  • Apollo 11 was the first that took men to the moon. It was a project from the United States.

    Apollo 11 was the first that took men to the moon. It was a project from the United States.
  • Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He was sent in Apollo 11.

    Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He was sent in Apollo 11.
  • During Apollo 13 an oxygen tank explodes. With help from mission control, the crew returns safely to earth.

    During Apollo 13 an oxygen tank explodes. With help from mission control, the crew returns safely to earth.
  • Soviet Luna 16 is launched. It returns with lunar soil samples on an automatic spacecraft.

    Soviet Luna 16 is launched. It returns with lunar soil samples on an automatic spacecraft.
  • Apollo 15 lands on the moon. They arrive with a lunar rover.

    Apollo 15 lands on the moon. They arrive with a lunar rover.
  • Pioneer 10 is the first human manmade object to travel through the asteroid belt

    Pioneer 10 is the first human manmade object to travel through the asteroid belt
  • Gene Cernan and Harrison become the last men to walk on the moon. They were on the moon for 3 days

    Gene Cernan and Harrison become the last men to walk on the moon. They were on the moon for 3 days
  • Apollo17 was the last moon landing by the United States. It took them 12 days, and no one has returned to the moon since.

    Apollo17 was the last moon landing by the United States. It took them 12 days, and no one has returned to the moon since.