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Soviet Union

  • 1300

    Russian Empire

    Russian Empire
    The Russian Empire was an Empire that expanded from Poland to the Pacific Ocean. The Empire was very powerful and had a tyrant leader. The leader favored the Rich class and the middle and lower class straved.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Russian citizens rose up against the leader of the Russian Empire. The citizens did this because the King was starving everyone. Then the Revolution happened Russia wanted a fair government. Communism was an idea that came up. Communism is when everyone is equal and everything is fair and the government makes the decisions. Soviets in Russian chose Communism because everyone would be equal and no one got too powerful and everyone was heard. The leader of the Communist side was Gladimir Lenin.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Two groups the Red {communist) and the Whites {Capitalism) started a Civil war in Russia. Gladimir Lenin and the Reds won the Civil war. After the war, Lenin gave a speech outlining that people cannot disagree with the leader and the dictator has complete control. Lenin was assassinated by White group member and Joseph Stalin took over.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    This war had two sides Ally Powers (USA and Great Britain) and Axis Powers (Germans, Japan and Italy). An agreement was made by Stalin and Hitler. The agreement was Nazis would pinch Poland, so Poland fell and the Soviet Union fell and that is when World War 2 started.
  • Start of the Cold War

    Start of the Cold War
    This war started after World War 2. This was a cold war which means no gun fire. It started after the atomic bomb was placed in Japan. This war was about competition. There were two sides and the USA and the Soviet Union was competing to see which one was best Capitalism or Communism. The USA was Capitalism and they were slowing down the spread of Communism by funding, the USA gave money to countries that were non- communist and protected non- Communist countries that might go to Communism.
  • Iron Curtain was Formed

    Iron Curtain was Formed
    Covered countries that were Communism. The idea of Communism spread because of the Iron Curtain. The Iron Curtain is an area that the Soviet Union had and Stalin agreed to make all the countries in the Iron Curtain fair and equal (Communism) and have elections.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    People were scared of Communism people. No one trusted anyone. If you were acting suspicious people just would think you are communist. You could not even talk about it.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    France took control over Vietnam for its good exports. France took over Laos and Cambodia Vietnam. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were known as the French Indochina. The USA joined this war because they believed in the domino theory. French people became rich when everyone else became poor during this war.The USA was not prepared of where they were going to fight. Vietnam was split into two parts Communist and non Communist. Richard Nixon ended the war.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The space race was a competition of who got objects into space first. The space race was to see who could get stuff into space first. The space race happened because the United States thought that if the Soviet Union could launch a satellite into space they could.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The USA wanted to ruin Cuba's Communist government it was not successful. That was known as the Bay of Pigs.The Soviets wrote a letter to the USA saying that shooting missiles to Cuba was an act of war. Three people had to decide if they would launch missiles to Cuba. Two said yes but one said no, if they would have all said yes then they would just start a bigger war instead of ending it. The leaders talked which made the USA take down missiles in Italy and Turkey. The war was over.
  • Fall of the Soviet Union

    Fall of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union was spending money on weapons instead of goods. The leader of the Soviet Union resigned. The new leader made two programs glasnost which meant for transparency and perestroika which meant restructuring. They did not help the Soviet Union they just fell. The some of the countries in the Soviet Union left the Soviet Union and turned into independent countries.