Soviet nucular weapon testing

  • The Soviets

    The Soviets
    1938- The Soviet project started testing before World War II when they discovered that the U.S.A.
    and British were doing a nuclear project.
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    1942 - April - Joseph Stalin was first informed of the efforts to develop nuclear weapons based on a letter sent to him by Georgii Flerov pointing out that there was nothing being published on nuclear fusion since its discovery. This urged the Soviet Union to start a nuclear weapons program.
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    in 1945, the Soviet Union expanded its research facilities, military reactors, and employed many scientists, including its atomic spies who penetrated the American nuclear weapons efforts.
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    1946 - the soviet union rejects the baruch plan which was a proposal by the U.S government.The report was an important U.S document of the early cold war era, as it discussed possible methods for the international control of nuclear weapons and the avoidance of future nuclear warfare
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    1949: The Soviet Union exploded its first nuclear weapon at its testing range on the Kazakhstan steppe. Many historians consider the test the beginning of the nuclear arms race.
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    1949 - August - The Soviet Union conducts its first atomic test first lightning.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    on August 29, 1949, that the Soviet Union first tested its nuclear arsenal.
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    1951 - China and the Soviet Union sign an agreement whereby China would supply uranium ore in exchange for technical assistance in producing nuclear weapons.
  • Soviet union

    August 12 - First Soviet layer cake design bomb explods on a tower in Siberia. It was not a "true" hydrogen bomb.
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    1965 - January - The Soviet Union detonates Chagan as part of their Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy series to study the peaceful use of nuclear explosoins.