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Southern Islands of Africa

  • 490

    First sightings of humans in Madagascar (Tyler)

    First sightings of humans in Madagascar (Tyler)
    This was at Andavakoera in 490 C. Although there is no archaeological evidence until 1200, there is scattered evidence from much earlier on. In 2009 archeologists found a purported elephant bird, with human cut marks, and that was estimated to dated around 8,500 BCE. Archeologists have also found cut marks on bones and stone tolls dating around 2000 BCE. There is also plausible evidence of a sub-fossil lemur. This was found on a paleontologist sight in the south-west.
  • 700

    First Inhabitants - Madagascar (Janelle)

    First Inhabitants - Madagascar (Janelle)
    The first inhibitors of Madagascar were Western Malayo-Polynesian people. Madagascar was rich in natural resources, and the tribes of Madagascar were encouraged to cooperate in obtaining them in order to survive. These new inhabitants began trading with passing ships from the Middle East. The island became a stopover spot where traders and pirates could resupply food and water, because of this, they developed trade sites along the west coast near rivermouths.
  • 800

    First Inhabitants - Comoros (Jaylene)

    First Inhabitants - Comoros (Jaylene)
    Comoros is a group of islands. Comoros is located east of Madagascar, which is a neighboring island. Austronesian sailors are said to have arrived on the Comoros islands in the 8th century. Before the Austronesian sailors settled, there is no proof of any life forms, farming, or settlements on the islands. They are the first inhabitants recorded to have ever lived in Comoros. We know this because of the farming samples, the oldest and only samples found.
  • 933

    Sailors and Merchant invasion - Comoros (Jaylene)

    Sailors and Merchant invasion - Comoros (Jaylene)
    The Comoros islands became popular in 933. The Comoros islands were frequently visited by Muslim merchants and sailors, who were looking for goods such as coral, ivory, tortoiseshell, gold, and slaves. The Muslims made the earliest trade routes around the island, which would’ve been cool if the Muslims didn’t call Comoros the Perfume islands on the map, but that’s exactly what they did. So the Muslims thought they were trading with the Perfume islands.
  • 1500

    Establishing Islamic Faith - Comoros (Jaylene)

    Establishing Islamic Faith - Comoros (Jaylene)
    A number of chieftains, who bared African titles, had established settlements by the fifteenth century. The chieftains were Malayo-Indonesian people. The Malayo-Indonesian people had contact with Arab merchants and traders who visited Comoros. Those Arab merchants and traders had brought the Islamic faith to the Comoros islands, which gave the Islands their first overall religion. Before the Islamic faith, there was no recorded religion in the islands.
  • 1500

    the feudal era

    the feudal era
    the feudal era first began in the 1500's when immigrants were still in minority numbers. though there wasn’t many of them their political and technological contribution altered their society greatly. also causing the major upheavals of the sixteenth century which lead to the Malagasy feudal era. east asians, Middle Easterners, bantus, and Portuguese often came to the coasts leading establishments of kingdoms. there was lots of struggles in the interior for hegemony.
  • 1503

    Vasco da Gama's Settlement - Comoros (Jaylene)

    Vasco da Gama's Settlement - Comoros (Jaylene)
    ​​Just when Comoros was at peace, the Portuguese arrived in the Indian Ocean, more specifically the Comoros islands. The first Portuguese group to visit was Vasco da Gama's second fleet in 1503. Vasco arrived at Comoros, with other settlers, and took the rule of leader in Comoros without having any form of election. It was messed up on his part because he just assumed the rule of royalty but that’s how it worked back then. All of the Portuguese settled there.
  • The Portuguese are Expelled - Comoros (Jaylene)

    The Portuguese are Expelled - Comoros (Jaylene)
    At this point, the Portuguese have been ruling for a century. Then Nasir bin Murshid Al-Ya'rubi, who was an African citizen, was elected in 1624 as an Oman. He expelled the rule of the Portuguese from Comoros, as well as other places in Africa, after almost a century of their rule. After this, Oman sent Imam Nasir who was able to chase out the Portuguese fleet. They chased them to the Indian Ocean and were able to defeat the Portuguese fleet along the East African coast.
  • Becoming a French colony - Madagascar (Janelle)

    Becoming a French colony - Madagascar (Janelle)
    European ships visited local states at points along their coasts. The capitals of these states were almost always located around river mouths, and this was where most trades occurred. The economies were a mixture of pastoral and agricultural, but the states had no major differences in wealth. France took control over Madagascar’s economy and army during the colonial period; Malagasies people’s rights were violated, which included labor and taxation.
  • Gaining Independence - Madagascar (Janelle)

    Gaining Independence - Madagascar (Janelle)
    In 1947, thousands were killed when the French put down an armed revolt in ast Madagascar, later Madagascar voted for autonomy. They ended up developing a democratic system modeled off of France during the wake of decolonization in 1960. Philibert Tsiranana was the first president then was reelected in March 1972 without opposition. While Tsiranana’s rule represented continuation, French settlers remained in power, However the Malagasy Republic resisted the movement toward communism.