Southern colonies

Southern Colonies

By 16kjy81
  • Roanoke Island Attempted Colonization

    Roanoke Island Attempted Colonization
    Sir Walter Releigh, Sir Humphrey Gilber's brother, organized an expedition that got them off the coast of Virginia. They eventually went to Roanoke Island, in North Carolina. After several false starts, the Roanoke Colony mysteriously vanished, swallowed up by the wilderness
  • Jamestown Colonized

    Jamestown Colonized
    A joint-stock company called the Virginia Company recieved a charter from King James I. The company sent colonists to America. Around 100 colonists arrived in Jamestown, Virginia. The early years of Jamestown proved to be a nightmare with disease, malnutrition, and starvation. Many colonists died of these things.
  • John Smith is Kidnapped by Powhatan

    John Smith is Kidnapped by Powhatan
    John Smith was kidnapped by Powhatan and put through a "mock execution," with Powhatan's daughter Pocohantas "saved" him. The symbolism of the kidnapping was supposed to impress Smith with Powhatan's power. It also symbolized how the Indian's wanted to have peace with the Virginians.
  • John Smith Saves Virginia

    John Smith Saves Virginia
    John Smith, an adventurer, takes over in 1608. He whipped the gold-seeking colonists by having everyone provide for themselves. He stopped Jamestown from failing completely.
  • The First Anglo-Powhatan War Starts

    The First Anglo-Powhatan War Starts
    Lord De La Warr arrives to Jamestown with charter to attack the Indians, starting the First Anglo-Powhatan War.
  • John Rolfe Perfects Tobacco Methods

    John Rolfe Perfects Tobacco Methods
    John Rolfe perfected methods that raised and cured tobacco, taking out the bitter taste. He became an economic saviour to Virginia and also became the father of tobacco. Soon though, there became a high demand for tobacco. A tobacco rush swept over Virginia. Many plants were grown on the streets of Jamestown, and even in between graves. Tobacco became Virginia's vital role on the economic system. This promoted the plantation system and more demand of slaves.
  • First Anglo-Powhatan War Ends

    First Anglo-Powhatan War Ends
    A peace settlement ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War. The peace settlement was sealed by the marriage of John Rolfe and Pocohantas. This was the first known interracial union in Virginia.
  • Maryland Colonized

    Maryland Colonized
    Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore, in 1634. Lord Baltimore got the charter for Maryland in 1632. Lord Baltimore made Maryland a refuge for Catholics fleeing England
  • The Second Anglo-Powhatan War Begins

    The Second Anglo-Powhatan War Begins
    The Second Anglo-Powhatan War was the Indians last effort to dislodge the Virginians. The English again defeated them. The peace treaty of 1646 erased any thought that the Indians could coextingly live with the English. The treaty banished the Chesapeake Indians from the ancestral lands. This was the first time that the Indians were seperated from English areas of settlement. This was the orgins of the later reservation system.
  • Act of Toleration Passed in Maryland

    Act of Toleration Passed in Maryland
    The Catholics were overswarmed by Protestants in Maryland. In return, the Catholics pressed for the Act of Toleration, which gave all Christians religious tolerance. This act decreed the death penalty for Jews and Athiests.
  • Colonies in the West Indies

    Colonies in the West Indies
    While the English were busy colonizing the Chesepeake Bay, they were also busy colonizing the islands of the West Indies. Spain being weakened by military overextension, and being distracted by the rebellious Dutch provinces, relaxed its grip on much of the Caribbean. By the mid-seventeenth century, England had secured its claim to several West Indian islands, including Jamaica in 1655.
  • Carolinas Colonized

    Carolinas Colonized
    Eight nobles came to Carolina in 1670 to grow sugar. They brought enslaved Africans and a model of the Barbados slave code. Carolina offically adopted a model of the slave code in 1696. Carolina was offically named after Charles II in 1670. After much experimentation, rice was grown as an export crop.
  • Savannah Indians End Alliance With Carolinians

    Savannah Indians End Alliance With Carolinians
    The Savannah Indians decided to end their alliance with the Carolinians. They migrated to the backwoods of Maryland and Pennsylvania, where the quaker colony their promised better relations with the Indians. But the Carolinians were determined to eliminate the Indians before they left. A series of bloody raids all but destroyed the Indian tribes of Coastal Carolinia by 1710.
  • North Carolina Seperates From South Carolina

    North Carolina Seperates From South Carolina
    The Northern part of Carolina was a group of poverty-stricken outcasts and religious dissenters. Many of this group had been rejected by Virginia. Newcomers were considered squatters, which means they didn't have any legal right to the land. North Carolinians earned a reputation by their neighbors to be irreligious. North Carolina was and South Carolina were seperated by the "graveyard of the Alantic". North Carolina offically seperated from South Carolina in 1712.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was offically founded in 1733. The founder of Georgia was James Oglethorpe. It was the last of the thirteen colonies. The colony was named after King George II. Georgia was intended to serve briefly as a buffer to Spain. Georgia was also launched to protect the other twelve colonies. The people of Georgia were determined to keep slavery out Georgia. They succeeded keeping slavery out until 1750, by that time slavery was found in all of the plantation colonies.