
Southern Colonies

By dlb121
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    This was the first permanent english colony. Jamestown was founded by The London Company. The two main people of this colony were John Smith and John Rolfe.
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    Jamestown and the rest of the Virginia Colony became a royal colony.
  • Maryland

    This was the second southern colony to be founded. This country was founded by George Calvert.This colony never became a royal colony. This colony was suppose to be a safe haven for Catholics. This colony was named after England's queen, Henrietta Maria.
  • Tolerance ACt of 1649

    Tolerance ACt of 1649
    A Maryland law that made restricting the religious rights of christians a crime.
  • The Carolinas

    The Carolinas
    This colony was the third and fourth colony of the southern region. Eigth of Charels II supporters founded the Carolinas.
  • North and South Carolina

    North and South Carolina
    The Carolina colony split up into North Carolina and South Carolina over a dispute of wars and battles.
  • North and South Carolina

    North and South Carolina
    These two colonies became royal colonies in 1729
  • Georgia

    On May 9th, 1732 the charter was granted for James Oglethrope to found Georgia
  • Georgia

    Georgia was protection from the south for 12 other colonies. Georgia was protecton from the spanish.
  • Period: to


    1732: Proprietary
    1752: Royal