Independence form Japan
Eventhough the day of Independence of South Korea from Japan is celebrated on the 15th of August the real day that South Korea gained their independnce on the 13th of August. Japan first took control of Korea in 1910 and had kept that control for 38 years. Three yeard before South Korea's independnce Japan were attacked by atomic bombs in Nagaski and Hiroshima from the USA finally ending the WWII. WWII lead to the independce of South Korea three years later which will lead to the Korean War. -
Start of Korean War
The Korean War started when North Korea attacks South Korea to gain land and spread commumism throughtout more of Asia. When this happends The United States comes to the aid of their allies, South Korea; also to help to stop the spread of communism. The Korean War then will last for anther three years. -
End of Koean War
The Korean War was fought between North Korea, Chian, and Soviet Union vs South Korea, the United States, and UN. The war ended in 1953 when the Armistice was signed that made the Korean Demilitarrizes Zone which made the spilt of North and South Korea while also returning prisoners of war. In the end no contry was delceared winner, so Korea went back to how it was before the war. -
Park Chung-hee is assassinated
On october 26, 1979 the president of South Korea was assassinated after 18 years of presidency; Park Chung-hee was elected president on March 24, 1962. This 61 year old man has been a great service to South Korea from his fighting in WWII and the Korean War, and then being killed by his own cheif of security sevices, Kim Jeu-gyu. -
First Olymip Games in South Korea
South Korea has been part of all most all the summer olymips , not 1980 becasue of boycotts, and all the winter olymips past 1948. In the year 1988 the city of Soeul in South Korea that year's winter olymics with a total of 159 nations attending and 8391 athetes. These olymics lasted from September 17 to October 5. In other notice it has ben discoved that the summer of 2018's olymips will also be in South Korea in the city of PyeongChung. -
South Korrea joins the United Nations
On April 20, 1991 both North and South Korea join the United Nation at the same time. The two counties were acepted into the united into the UN after the Korean War and once the two countries became more devoled countries. Having South Korea accepted into the united Nations give South Korea some input on what happens around the world. -
Park Geun-hye is elected president
Park Geun-hye was elected President of South Korea on Fed 25, 2013 and is still the prestident today at the age of 63. Park Geun-hye is the 11th presdent of South Korea , but the first female president of South Korea. South Korea having their first female president is a national accomplishment.