South Carolina

  • Oct 20, 1521

    First recorded Spanish expedition reached the Carolina Coast

    First recorded Spanish expedition reached the Carolina Coast
  • Jun 14, 1562

    French attempted settlement of charlesfort on paris island

    French attempted settlement of charlesfort on paris island
    faild within a year
  • Sep 19, 1566

    The colony of Santa Elena was established

    The colony of Santa Elena was established
    It was estblished in South Carolina by the Spanish
  • King Charles I granted to sir Robert Heath

    King Charles I granted to sir Robert Heath
    All territory between 31' 38' N
  • King Charles II signed the Carolina Charter

    King Charles II signed the Carolina Charter
  • First major group of swiss and german arive in the carolinas

    First major group of swiss and german arive in the carolinas
  • south carolina was formally incorperated as a royal colony

    south carolina was formally incorperated as a royal colony
  • Andrew jackson was born

    Andrew jackson was born
    2nd president of the U.S
  • James oglethorpe arived in Charleston SC

    James oglethorpe arived in Charleston SC
    He brought 130 colonist with him.
  • Colonist repulsed a BRistish sea attck in Charleston SC

    Colonist repulsed a BRistish sea attck in Charleston SC
  • Charleston fell in the US Revolutionary war

    Charleston fell in the  US Revolutionary war
    Charleston SC was in battle against the British
  • Railroad

    Railroad from Charleston to Hamburg was completed
  • South carolina declares itself as a indepentent commonwealth

    South carolina declares itself as a indepentent commonwealth
    commonwealth means an independent country or community, exspecially a democratic republic
  • SC became the first state to secede from the union

    SC became the first state to secede from the union
  • Democratic convention

    Democratic convention
    This was held in Charleston Sc, divided over slavery
  • THe battle of Charleston SC

    THe battle of Charleston SC
    The fedral fleet attack on fort sumter failed
  • University of South Carolina was opened to all races

    University of South Carolina was opened to all races
  • President Grant sent troops to SC

    President Grant sent troops to SC
  • Race riot

    Race riot
    This took place in Charleston SC
  • Hurricane hits Florida and Carolina

    Hurricane hits Florida and Carolina
    This Hurrican killed 700 people.
  • Fire in Charleston

    Fire in Charleston
    FIre burns half of Charleston
  • Blacks were found to be still enslaved in parts of SC

    Blacks were found to be still enslaved in parts of SC
  • Charles Hard townes was born

    Charles Hard townes was born
    He developed lasers and was born in Greenville SC
  • Eartha Kitt was born in SC

    Eartha Kitt was born in SC
    She played Batwomen
  • Carolina Hembal

    Carolina Hembal
    She was one of 3 women accepted for the civilian pilot training program at the University of South Carolina. She became the first girl to graduate
  • Six marine recruits drown

    Six marine recruits drown
    They drowned during excersise at paradise falls in South Carolina.