South Carolina

By AliviaH
  • Carolina was Founded

    Carolina was Founded
    North Carolina and South Carolina were just one colony called Carolina. Later North and South Carolina came to be.
  • Fundamental Constitution of Carolina

    Fundamental Constitution of Carolina
    This constitution granted religious freedom. It was approved by Lords and Proprietors.
  • Charles Town was renamed

    Charles Town was renamed
    Charles Town was renamed Charleston in 1670. It was the first colony in Carolina.
  • Spanish attack

    Spanish attack
    The Spanish attacked Charleston during Queen Anne's War.
  • The Tuscarora War

    The Tuscarora War
    The Tuscarora War was between the Tuscarora Native Americans and the English settlers.The Tuscarora Natives were defeated. The war started in 1711 and ended in 1713
  • Yamasee Indian Wars

    Yamasee Indian Wars
    The Yamasee Indians were mad at the white settlers because they were taking their land. The Yamasee later then struck at Carolina. They fought where today's North Carolina is. The Wars took place from 1715-1717.
  • Pirate Blackbeard

    Pirate Blackbeard
    The famous Pirate, Blackbeard, sailed to Charleston Harbor and took/held people for ransom.
  • Carolina became a crown colony

     Carolina became a crown colony
    Carolina became a crown colony. The appointed governor was General Sir Francis Nicholson.
  • North and South Carolina

    North and South Carolina
    Carolina became Two separate colonies. The colonies were South Carolina and North Carolina. South Carolina also became a royal colony.
  • Stono Slave Revolt

    Stono Slave Revolt
    The Stono Slave Revolt is also known as Stono Rebellion. In this event slaves tried to escape from their owners and went on the destroy stores and even kill shopkeepers. They would steal gunpowder and other things from stores as they marched south they grew. It was one of the largest slave revolts in the colonies before the American Revolution.40 African Americans and 21 Whites died in the revolt.
  • Battle of Bloody Marsh

    Battle of Bloody Marsh
    The Spanish were trying to take over Charleston but they failed to succeed.
  • A Treaty was signed

    A Treaty was signed
    There was a treaty signed by the Choctaw Indians. The treaty established trade with the Choctaw Indians because they did not attack French settlements.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The War started in 1756 and ended in 1763. The French and Indian War was also part of a bigger war called the Seven Years War.After the War came the Treaty of Paris.
  • Cherokee Wars

    Cherokee Wars
    The Cherokee Wars were between the Cherokee Indians and the Americans.
  • Cherokee Wars Ended

    Cherokee Wars Ended
    After the Cherokee Wars there was a Treaty that opened up land for people to movie to. The Bounty Act was also passed.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The delegates chosen from South Carolina were Henry Middleton, John Rutledge, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Lynch, and Christopher Gadsden. Henry Middleton was the president of the First Continental Congress.
  • First Provincial Congress

    First Provincial Congress
    Carolina's First Provincial Congress met. The Congress met in Charleston and they were talking about how they wanted to commerce governing in South Carolina.