south carolina

  • Sep 30, 1521

    first expadition

    first expadition
    First recorded Spanish expedition reached Carolina coast
  • Oct 7, 1562

    first attempted fort

    first attempted fort
    french attempted settlement of charles fort on parris island
  • king charles granted a charter for land from noth carolina to jekyyl island.

    king charles granted a charter for land from noth carolina to jekyyl island.
  • 5. Hurricane struck Charleston, 98 killed

    5.	Hurricane struck Charleston, 98 killed
  • 8. Revolutionary leader, Col. Isaac Hayne, hanged by british outside Charles Town city limits; American forces retake most of South Carolina, advanced to within 15 miles of Charles Town

    8.	Revolutionary leader, Col. Isaac Hayne, hanged by british outside Charles Town city limits; American forces retake most of South Carolina, advanced to within 15 miles of Charles Town
  • Pirate Blackbeard sailed into Charles Town Harbor; took hostages for ransom; pirate Stede Bonnet captured, hanged in Charles Town

  • 9. Charles Town renamed Charleston

  • Hurricane struck South Carolina

  • 11. First steam locomotive in U.S. began passenger route service between Charleston and Hamburg, South Carolina

  • 12. South Carolina first state to secede from the Union prior to Civil War

  • 13. Confederate submarine sank Union's Housatonic

  • 14. Joseph Rainey first African-American in South Carolina to become U. S. Representative

  • 15. New dance craze in Charleston's pubs, dance halls began, spread across nation, named Charleston

  • 16. George Gershwin arrived in Charleston to write Porgy and Bess, first American opera

  • 1. Hurricane Hazel struck Garden City, left two of 275 homes habitable; severe coastal damage occurred

  • 17. Hurricane Hazel struck Garden City, left two of 275 homes habitable; severe coastal damage occurred

  • 19. Orangeburg Massacre at S. C. State campus occurred; three students killed, 28 wounded

  • 20. Lake City native, astronaut and physicist Ron McNair, killed in Space Shuttle Challenger explosion

  • 21. Hurricane Hugo struck; barrier islands lost 80% of homes; Charleston suffered significant damages; total losses $2.8 billion

  • 22. Hurricane Klaus struck; 80 bridges destroyed, 40 more damaged; secondary roads washed out

  • 23. Divers discovered wreck of Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley in waters off Sullivan's Island

  • 24. South Carolina removed last Confederate flag flying above U S Statehouse

  • 25. 100 year old Sen. Strom Thurmond retires

  • 26. Hurricane Gaston caused major flooding; damaged structures