South Asia Timeline

  • End of British rule over india.

    Led to 2 new countries. India and Pakistan
  • India became indipendant

    Led to mass migration brining violence, hardship and suffering.
  • End of British rule over Ceylon

    Led to tension between Sinhalese and Tamil because of discrimination.
  • First war with India over territory.

  • Pakistan became the first country to adopt a Islamic republic system to modify its republican status

  • Slavery abolished in Bhutan

  • Serries of famine led to the creation of the green revolution

    This led to higher crop yields and better growing techniques.
  • Rana dynasty regime and establishment of parliamentary democracy was suspended my Nepalis monarchs

  • The center for south Asian studies was established

    Promoted learning about India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
  • Maldives declared itself a republic lead by an elected president

  • Ceylon changed its name to Sri Lanka and became a republic

  • Parliament elections give Awami League a victory

  • Civil war between Sri Lankas government and rebels

    Destroyed infrastructure, stopped tourism and damaged the economy.
  • Tourism boosts the Maldives economy

  • President Ziaur Rahman is assassinated

  • Death of Zia Ul Haq

    Ended the ban on the term "south Asia"
  • Assassination of prime minister Indira Gandini

    Indian policies angered Sikhs leading to the assassination.
  • SAARC was made

  • Bangladesh and Pakistan had women prime ministers

  • Nepali Congress Party wins first democratic elections.

  • Afghanistan became a unitary presidential islamic republic

    This was a result up foreign invasions, terrorist groups and revolutions.
  • Afghanistan joined SAARC

  • Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated while on campaign trail for 2008 parliamentary election.

  • Nepal became a secular democratic republic.

  • Tamil separatist movement under LTTE was suppressed

  • South Asia admitted Afghanistan to south Asia free trade agreement

  • Nepal Blockade

    Economic and humanitarian crises severely affected Nepal and its economy.
  • Nepal earthquake

    Killed 8964 people and injured 21952 more.
  • Nepal made a new constitution that protects gay right.

  • Former international cricket star Imran Khan becomes prime minister on a pledge to end corruption and dynastic politics.