South African History

  • Cape town

    First permanent European settlement at Capetown, by the Dutch East India Company. It had a healthy, subtropical and partly fertile hinterland, which was virtually unoccupied. White colonisation was as feasible here as it had been in new Netherland.
  • English occupation

    The british seized the colony. The Dutch surrender in 1795 is known as the Capitulation of Rustenberg. In 1795 the slaves in the whole colony amounted to 16,839 and the whites totalled nearly 16,000.
  • Period: to

    The Second Boer War

    The second boer war was fought between the british empire and two Boer states, the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, over the Empire influence in South Africa. Angelo-Boer War ended on May 31 with Peace of Vereeniging.
  • Union of South Afriva

    Independent union of South Africa created with four provinces: Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechanaland opeted to remain British colonies. Dutch and Engliah began co-official languages; blacks lost all remaining voting rights except in Cape Colony.
  • Defence Act

    "defence Act" vreates all-white "Active Citzen Force" and disarmed vlack. Meanwhile, mission-educated African led by Pixley Seme founded the African National Congress.
  • Period: to


    Segregation between between black and white (and more)
    A system of racial segregation. they could not share the same areas.
    Black, White, Coloured (mixed) and Indian.-India was a British colony,and people brought indians as slaves around the world.
    People divided into categories that decided where you live and what jobs you can have militant and violente protests-in south africa there were violence protests
  • Banu Laws Amendment Act

    "Banu Laws Amendment Act" enabled the government to expel any black African to a Bantustan at any time. Mandela And sisulu were convicted of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment on Robbens Island near Capetown. Violence resistence subsided.
  • World Championship in football

    In 2010 the world championship in football was arranged in SOuth africa from 11.june to 11.july. This was the first time football.wc was arranged on the african continent.