South africa

South Africa and the peace that it doesent have

By crowcws
  • Misfie

    The ride to rescue misfired and forced rhode island to move out.
  • The inveitable war

    The inveitable war
    The british called this the inveitable war when it broke out with the boers.
  • People take over 50 states in Africa

    People take over 50 states in Africa
    All sorts of people come and take over Africa
  • Aparteid

    On this day the National party took office and then the Aparteid began. Protester began and was a big deal at this time period.
  • Apartheid Creation of new laws

    Apartheid Creation of new laws
    The Apartheid was the creation of 117 new laws by Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party.
  • The Population Registration Act

    The Population Registration Act
    This is were people were classified in to three sections. White, Colored, or Black.
  • Take away

    Take away
    The citizen ship was taken away form people that were differetn colors.
  • Open fire

    Open fire
    Police thought that they can open fire on 70 black people. They killed all of them because they were protesting
  • Youth Uprising

    The police killed a bounch of kids and people because they were fighting for there freedom. So Sad
  • School

    Blacks and whites were in different schools and could not get together at all.
  • realesed

    Mendela, gandhi was released. From prison.
  • President

    Mendela, gandhi was sworn into office
  • Win

    As expected, on April 15, 2004, the African National Congress won South Africa's general election in a landslide, taking about 70% of the vote, and Thabo Mbeki was sworn in for a second term.
  • End

    The aparthieb ended
  • Death

    Mendela, gandhi died
  • peace

    They are all at peace. A lot of lives were lost and know nobody is getting killed.