South Africa

  • History of racial

    History of racial
    Africa’s history of racial domination and oppression began as early as the mid-17th century when the Dutch East India Company set up a provisioning station on the Cape.
  • constituted the government’s first step

    constituted the government’s first step
    constituted the government’s first step in institutionalizing racial differentiation.These acts prohibited sexual intercourse and marriage between Whites and Blacks.
  • Folorence

    Florence Matomela leads an anti-pass demonstration resulting in the burning of passes in Port Elizabeth
  • Minister If bantu education

    Minister If bantu education
    Minister of Bantu Education assumes control of University College of Fort Hare.African students are prohibited from attending formerly "open universities" except the University of South Africa and Natal Medical School.
  • Police kill 69 black protesters

    Police kill 69 black protesters
    South African police officers opened fire on a crowd of black protesters who had surrounded a police station in Sharpeville, killing 69 people
  • year of the pass

    year of the pass
    1960 was going to be the "Year of the Pass." Through a series of mass actions, the ANC planned to launch a nationwide anti-pass campaign on 31 March - the anniversary of the 1919 anti-pass campaign.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    U.S. President Richard Nixon orders an invasion of Cambodia, widening the war in Vietnam. In protest, millions march across the U.S. University campuses are shut down by student strikes. Four protestors at Kent State University in Ohio are killed by National Guard troops.
  • protype

    protype called adive grew amid heighted so that black people coudl work their
  • Prices began to rise

    Prices began to rise
    Prices begin to rise sharply, making it even more difficult for workers to survive on low wages. Spontaneous strikes resulted: workers walk out of the workplaces demanding wage increases.
  • A survey

    A survey
    A survery show the for the that an affrican school to create cirrculem
  • massive

    school boycotts rocks the soundship
  • Africa Trenstitlining

    Africa Trenstitlining
    Africa transitioning from the era of decolonization to that of globalization.
  • township

    27 townships declared unrest areas in terms of the Public Safety
  • Nelson gets out of jail

    Nelson gets out of jail
    neslon got out of jail and he became a mortal and forgot about the sainteny life
  • World rejoiced

    World rejoiced
    The world rejoiced over State President F.W. de Klerk's February 2 speech, in which he lifted the ban on the African National Congress