South Africa 1800-1914 events

  • Shaka

    A Zulu chief named Shaka used disciplined warriors and good military organization the create a centralized state. They however, were unable to keep the kingdom intact against the British invaders.
  • Great Trek

    The movenment of the Boers north to escape British. They soon found themselves fighting with Zulu and other African groups whose land they were taking.
  • Searching for the Source of the Nile

    David Livingstone and a group of Africans traveled into central Africa to search for the source of the Nile for several years.
  • DIamonds

    The discorveries of diamonds in South Africa.
  • Livingstone is alive

    Newspaper reporter, Henry Stanley, was hired to search for Livingstone. He found Livingstone on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.
  • Stanley signs treaties

    Stanley signed treaties with local chiefs of the Congo River Valley. The treaties gave King Leopold II of Belgium personal control of these lands.
  • Gaining of land

    Earlier in 1882, the French had approved a treaty that gave France the north bank of the Congo River. Soon Britain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain were also claiming parts of Africa.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 was established to prevent fighting, 14 European nations met to lay down the rules for division of Africa. Any European country could claim land here by notifying other nations of their claim and proving they could control the area. No african ruler ever attended, yet Africa’s fate sealed by conference.
  • Gold

    Gold was discorvered around the year 1886. Gold and diamonds in South Africa increased European interest in colonizing the land.
  • The Maxim Gun

    The world's first automatic machine gun was invented. European countries quickly acquired the Maxim, while the resisting Africans were forced to rely on outdated weapons.
  • Boer War

    The Boers took arms up against the British. Using guerilla tactics against the British and the British burned farms and imprisoned women and children, The British however did win the war.