Main Characters: Eckel the hunter, Lesperance one of the other hunters, Travis another hunter who kills Eckel Setting: The setting takes place in jungle and also at a safari office -
Rising Action
-Eckles is in the time machine
-Hunters explain to him how and when he is going to kill the TRex -
Rising Action
-Eckles is warned to stay in the path and if he goes off of it he can kill something and by him killing something that's not supposed to die can cause the future to change drastically -
Rising Action
-Animals marked with red paint are ok to shoot but any other animal cannot be shot -Arrives at the jungle -
RIsing Action
- They find the TRex -Eckles refuses to shoot it -They all start to head back to the machine to go home
- Due to Eckles killing a butterfly the hunters and Eckles return home but since he stepped on the butterfly, the future is messed up -Eckles cries in disbelief that it happened -One of the hunters kill Eckles because he ruined the future
Falling Action
-Hunter and Eckles return to the time machine and go back home -
-On their way back to the machine the TRex spots them
-TRex goes after them
-Eckles stpes off the path while the hunters kill the TRex -
- One of the hunters notice that Eckles stepped off the path due to the dirt on his shoes so in order for Eckles to go back home on the time machine with everyone, Eckles has to retrieve all of the bullets from the TRex's dead body -Eckles gets all the bullets and returns to the time machine