Time Safari Inc.
Eckels wants to go back to the age of the dinosaurs to kill a T-rex, he told what not to do, and what to do. Eckels is shocked by the time machine and gets excited to be able go back in time to kill his dinosaur -
Inside the Time Machine
Inside they test intercoms to make sure things are going alright, and they put on oxygen helmets so they can breath. Eckels looks at four other people inside the machine the Safari Leader, Travis his assistant Lesperance, and two other hunters Billings and Kramer. -
Dinosaur Era
They reach their destination, and they have a quick history lesson, then Travis tells them not to kill an important animal because they could accidentally kill an multple species. Lesperance then explains how if they were to acciendentally kill a important animal, they wouldn't be able to go back and fix the mistake. -
In the Jungle
After leaving the time machine, they start to look for the T-rex. They Eckels starts to to get scared, and after seeing the T-rex he regrets his decision. He was scared of the T-rex because of is massive size and strength. -
Hunters versus T-rex
After finding the T-rex, Eckels quickly runs off, and gets off the path. The other hunters quickly kill the T-rex and went back to the Time Machine to find Eckels there. -
Eckels in Trouble
After they find Eckels, Travis tells him to stay back, and Travis explains how he didn't follow the rules. Travis eventuallyallows him to go back to the future with them, but Eckels won't be able to go hunting with Time Safari Inc. -
Back in the Future
Back in the future Eckels notices that the sign that once said "Time Safari Inc. Safaris To Any Year In The Past. You Name The Animal. We Take You There. You Shoot It." now says "Tyme Sefari Inc. Sefaris Tu Any Yeer En The Past. Yu Naim The Animall. Wee Taekyutheir. Yu Shoot Itt." Eckels then notices a dead butterfly on the bottom of his shoe. After telling Travis about the dead butterfly he then accepts his fate and dies.