Protect IP Act and Commercial Felony Streaming Act (Bieber bill) introduced in Senate.
Overwhelming initial support: 40 co-sponsors, 11 at time of introduction
http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-s978/show -
Protect IP Act passes Senate Judiciary Committee by unanimous voice vote.
Mark-up session is 7 minutes long and no amendments are debated. Bill is placed on senate calender. -
Commercial Felony Streaming Act is passed by Judiciary Committee by unanimous voice vote.
Gamer community recognizes the broad implications the felony streaming provisions in S. 978 (which later became part of SOPA).
Videos by gamers are increasingly posted on YouTube. A Demand Progress call to action gains attention. -
FreeBieber.org launches against the felony-streaming provisions in S. 978, provisions that would eventually became part of SOPA.
Anti-PIPA video released by FFTF
4 million+ views over next 3 months on Vimeo + YouTube -
SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) introduced in House with strong support
31 co-sponsors (12 at time of introduction) -
Justin Bieber says on the radio that Amy Klobuchar should be ‘locked up’ for supporting the felony-streaming provisions in S. 978 and SOPA
American Censorship Day is held to commemorate the House Judiciary Committee's first hearing on SOPA (6000 + websites)
• 1 million+ Congress contacts in one day
• 2 million petition signers
• Unprecedented Tumblr blackout (first major web company direct action)
• 80,000 calls generated to Congress
• Thousands of sites blacked out their logo all day
• First mass political participation by web companies
• Rep. Lofgren participates and censors her page
• Reddit community becomes active on SOPA
• subreddit /SOPA gains 10,000+ subscribers in just a few days -
Responding to day of protests, Nancy Pelosi tweets her opposition to SOPA
Period: to
• 100,000's of calls during coalition-wide call-in campaigns to House Judiciary CommitteeDecember 1
Colbert Report covers SOPA / PIPA
One of the first major television coverage moments. (many TV news parent companies are SOPA supporters) -
The House Judiciary Committee holds hearings on SOPA
Huge online audience for the hearing. Dozens of amendments introduced and voted down -
Hearing ends without completing markup.
Reddit post suggests transferring domains away from GoDaddy for their support of SOPA and PIPA
Over 80,000 domain names were transferred in a matter of days. On December 23, Wikipedia announces transfer of all domains from GoDaddy. -
GoDaddy issues statement changing their public position on the bills to opposed.
Operation Pull Ryan on reddit generates $15,000 for the opposition candidate
People attend town halls and start organizing in-person meetings with their Senators over the January recess
SOPA Strike is announced for Jan 18th -sopastrike.com launches to organize protest
Six Republican Senators ask Reid to cancel PIPA vote scheduled for Jan 24 -
Period: to
More members of Congress start to come out against the bills citing meetings with constituents.
Obama administration publishes blog post opposing SOPA / PIPA
Web Goes on Strike: Largest Online Protest in History
SOPA Strike Protest Happens
More than 1 billion people saw anti-SOPA messages on January 18
4 top-10, 13 top-100 US sites, 115,000 small and medium sites participated in strike, 50,000 blacked out all or part of site (Wordpress network: 27,000 blackout and 17,000 ribbons)
10 million petition signers, 3 million emails, 100,000+ calls and 8 million Wikipedia calls
Senate responses:
At least 13 senators backed away from the bill in one day. 5 co-sponsors dropped thei suport of the bill: -
Senate plans to take up PIPA
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) plans fillibuster