Burning bodies
They started burning bodies because there wasn't enough space for the dead bodies. They also Burned some of the dpeople alive if they didnt do what they were suppose to. -
Hitler's hate
HItlerf hated the jews bcause they killed his mom. He also hated them because he belived that they destroyed the monarchy. -
Aryan woman after war
Aryan woman were reated terribly. They were abused killed and raped. -
The Church
Theey got taken away to a church. Milada only knows one person there Ruzha. -
Taken away
MIlada and her famzily got taken out iof there home at night. They also had to pack there stuff but it all got taken it away. -
Eva forgot her name Milada. Can't speak Czech. -
Eva got resscued by an american soldier. she was then reunited with her mother. -
Dad leaves
Eva's vater left and took peter. He didn't take mutter or elisibeth or eva. -
new family
Eva thinks this is her family and starrts hanging out with her. Eva put herf pin in her dresser -
Soviet unoin
Invaded soviet union because theyd had so many jews. It was the biggest milatary attack. -
Eva got took out of the center and got adopted by a new family. She didn't if her family was coming. -
Burning bodies
found out that thed smell was the burning bodies. She ran to the singin and cut her hands. -
Hitler assasination
they put a bomb under his table. He left earlier though it did kill other people in the room. -
Japan bombed pearl harbor. Atomic bomb got dropped on heroshima -
Hitler's number 2 mangot killed. He was killed by british special ops. -
Hitler Suicide
He killed himself because his troops were running out of ammo. He also did it because he couldn't get more troops.