Doctor Examines Faces
The Jews get their faces scamed to see if they could be a proper Nazi because hitler knew who could become a true Nazi and who could not. -
Lebensborg Center
People were taken to Lebensborg center and were taught and to become a proper Nazi. -
Expolsion in the distance
When Hitler threatnened to bomb England and they proabaly did because Eva said she heard a bomb expolosion ans well as other kids in real life. -
Heydrichs Death
In 1941 Heydrich died and Heydrich was beloved by Hitler. Everyone was scared of him he was very brutal and he was knwown as the "protector" in Czechoslovakia. -
Invading Russians
Invades Soviet Union and it was the largest German military operation of World War II. -
Education Before
This was about 1 year from Eva when the Nazis came so she had education until the nazis made her come to the Lebensborg center. -
Lidices Attack
Hitlers brutal but most favortie nazi died at 4:30 am. Hitler was very infuriated and wanted to seek revenge on the Jews. He thought it was all the Jews fault so he went for the little town of Lidice. -
Nazis bring Milada to her ¨home¨
Is when the Nazis come to Miladas home and were brought to a gym. Milada is brought with her and Jaro and her papa are brought to a ravensbruck camp. -
Doctor Examines Eva
When Mildada gets examined by the doctors to see if she could become a proper Nazi -
Murder Mass
The Germans try hiding the evidence of them killing the Jews. One of them were thorwing the bodies into a pile. -
The Bomb
Eva and Elsbeth saw bombs exploding in the distance, and it scared them and shocked them. -
The Nazis Introuble
Mutter was yelling at Herr Werhner because he might be arrested or worse so he decides to leave. -
Eva reuntited with her mother
Eva got to see her mother and was very happy but only one thing was bad. Her brother Jaro and her papa had died in the concetration camp. -
Japan Surrenders
The Japenese people surrender in World War 2 and the German invades Poland as the Japan surrenders -
The Nazis are sentenced to court for the murder of the Jews ans the killings. Some were hung and some went to prison for 10 years. -
Nazis brought to court
Milada gets those Nazis tooken away and they are all brought to court with charges because of the killing in Lidice.