Some Big Events That Happend During The Civil Rights Movement!!!!

  • Pearsall Plan

    The Pearsall Plan happend in Charlotte, Greensboro, and Winston Salem. The government agreed to pay for privaite school tuition for any kid that their parent did not want them to attend racially mixed schools.The plan was consiterd unconstatutional and was not in affect for long.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The little Rock Nine was a group of Black and some White people that stood for the'ir freedom and/ or the fredom of others. It happend in Centrail High School, Arkinsal.
  • Freedom Riders

    In Washington D.C.African Americans and some white people had a nonviolent protest. The protest was aginst segragation. But eventualy it became violent and over 5 people were arrested.
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail

    The Letter From Birmingham Jail was writen from Martin Luther King Jr.. He was writeing it to his suporters that protested with him. He said that he was proud of the Black people that stand for the'ir freedom, and the ones that have not need to show the way they have been treated has been wrong.
  • Wilmington Riots

    Violent Riots of Black people formed in Wilminton, North Carolina. They formed to try to put an end to the segragation of White and Black people in schools and restronts.