Invention of Telescope
Lippersshey's invention of the telesccpe in 1609 allowed the firt detailed observations to be made and it allowed an increased interesst in the public. -
Galileo Galilei
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei observes the moon with his very own telescope. -
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton unites heaven and earth. He published the Prrincipia Mathmaticals. Isaac Newton was the first person to realize that the physical laws that govern our lives on earth are the same as those that govern the stars and planets. He also invented the new tonian telescope. -
Sputnik 1
The soviets launched SputNik 1 which was the first man - made satellite, first artificual satellite. and first signals from space. -
Sputnik 2
The soviets launched Sput Nik 2 into space with lakia the dog on board. The dog didn't survive the mission. -
first orbital solar observatory
first planetory flyby by U.S.A. (venus closest approched 34,973 kilometers) -
Planetary Flyby
First planetary flyby by USA (Venus closest approach 34, 773 Kilometers). -
Project Gemini
Project Gemini achieved his goals were rendezvous and docking manuevers and extra-vehicular activities. -
Lunar Orbiter
NASA's Lunar Orbiter missions completed photographic mapping of the moon. -
Apollo 8
NASA's Apollo 8 made the first manned flight to the moon, circling it 10 times before returning to Earth -
Walk on the moon
First people walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong, Michael Collis and Buzz Aldrin are fhe first men to walk on the moon. They brought back samples of the moon's rock for testing. This was parte of the Apollo Program.