US vs Puerto Rico
This was a war against Puerto Rican Nationalists. -
The Korean War
This was the day the Americans de-mark the 38th parallel as the border between North and South Korea. This war is known as the forgotten war because most Americans don't realize how many lives were lost because of this war. Some found this war as a pointless war and the soldiers were not given the credit they deserved. -
Operation Desert Storm
Operation desert storm was a 40 day war to get Saddam Hussein's out of Kuwait. -
President Bush
President Bush Launched attacks in Afghanistan to stop terrorist groups. Because of this 1,972 Americans died in combat. He sent these soldiers due to the events on 9/11/01 to stop the people who planned the events of the terrorist attacks. -
Soldiers Overseas
More than 33,000 soldiers were sent to Afghanistan because of a war between Iraq and Afghanistan gotten rid of many western resources. -
Dutch never forgot the fearless american's giving their lives to save others
Annually 6,000 Dutch people gather to a U.S. cemetery in the Netherlands. There are gravestones for 8,300 Americans who fought for their country. -
U.S in Afghanistan "Forgotten War"
Some Americans don't even know that soldiers are still stationed in Afghanistan. But in July alone there were 40 american deaths making it the deadliest month in 2015. Most Americans believe we don't soldiers there because we have killed Bin Laden and they feel it is now safe to come home. -
Military Sexual Assualt
in the army there are numbers of sexual assaults reports that are unheard of. -
Military four legged heroes
War dogs save countless lives every war. -
A group of African Americans almost being forgotten on Memorial Day
After the civil war there were around 750,000 deaths between the Northern and Southern States. There were hundreds of Union Soldiers that was used as a Confederate Army prison camp.Some believe after they put n the Washington Race Course the African American soldiers were forgotten. But because of a book called Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory it talks about those soldiers almost being forgotten due to the construction.