Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Things that helped us learn about the Solar System
Dec 31, 1543
First model of the Solar System
Nikolaus Kopernikus is a German who was the first person to create a model of the Solar System. Without his theroy we would still believe that the Earth is in the middle of the Solar System. -
First Telescope is created
Hans Lippershey, a lense maker, created the first telescope. -
First reflectig telesope is created
Sir Issac Newton created a reflecting telescope, but it was really hard to use! -
First living thing to orbit Earth
Laika the dog was the first ever living thing to go into space. Laika went into space with the spacecraft Sputnik 2. Laika's Sputnik 2 ran out of life enery so Sputnik 2 burnt up fo the heat of the atmosphere -
Yuri Gagarin is the first man ever in space.
Born on march 9th 1934 and died march 27th 1968, Yuri is the first person ever to go in space and orbit Earth. -
Desision of the Apollo 11's mission
President of America, John F Kennedy, had the idea of the Apollo 11's mission. He said in his speech to the public that the U.S. had to do something that the world would remember. He also said the Soviet Union had already had the first living thing to orbit the Earth (Laika the dog) and the first human to go into space (Yuri Gargin). John was determant to make the U.S. the first people to land on the moon. -
Apollo 11 launch date
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, all members of the Gemini program, were the Apollo 11 team. Their mission was to be the first people to ever walk on the moon. Unfortuantly, Michael Collins was in the Control module in orbit. -
First man to walk on the moon on the moon
Neil Armstrong is the first man ever to walk on the moon at 2:56 AM. The team of Apollo 11 had to wait six hours before a two and a half hours. -
The Hubble telescope lanched
Detected Gamma Ray Burst
The Gamma Ray Burst by the Comton Gamma Ray Observatory. The burst took twenty seconds, pretty long for something to explosion. The burst was recorded by a telesope! Probably the time you have finished reading this sentence.