20,000 BCE
In as early as 20,000 BC, people were collecting and eating wild crops. This is important because it shows how early people used plants as a source for food.https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&hl=en-au&ei=RdslWqq7HMzAjwPXorKgCQ&q=crops+facts&oq=crops+facts&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..0j0i22i10i30k1j0i22i30k1l3.16622.23251.0.23725. -
5000 BCE
Fire is used to heat copper ore
People used fires to heat copper ore. Fire has been used as fuel for tens of thousands of years. This is an important fact because this is the beginning of future techniques. -
Where it all began
The oldest evidence of fire use was found in Kenya which are believed to be more than 1.4 million years old. Patches of baked earth were what they found. It’s believed that people first learned how to create fires by watching lightning strike and forest fires. This is probably the most important point because it marks the start of the use of biomass and it shows the first evidence of its use. -
As it evolved...
130,000 years ago, people started building hearths and fireplaces to assist in jobs and their daily lives. This is important because it shows the early evolution of fire and it’s purpose -
The earliest artistic uses of charcoal found were dated back to 1602 in the form of a cave painting in France. The image is of an Ibex in the Niaux cave. This is important because it shows that charcoal wasn’t only used as a source of heat, it was used for art. -
Charcoal briquett
It was first invetented by the Zwoyer Fuel Company and was further popularised by Henry Ford. This is important because it shows when the charcoal briquett was first invented. -
Biomass heaters and stoves are commonly used
Biomass heaters and stoves were commonly used. RANDOM FACT: plants absorb energy through the sun, this process is called photosynthesis. This is important because it shows that heaters and stoves were a popular source of bio energy. -
Biomass becomes very popular
Biomass started to become really popular because the price for fossil fuels increased. It escalated because of an increased demand for energy. This is important because it shows what was used before biomass and that around this time energy was really popular. -
Biomass becomes an official source of energy
Biomass became an official source of energy. FACT: bio energy is currently the largest form of renewable energy in the EU (European Union). this is important because clearly before 1975 it wasn’t an official source of energy. -
The Largest producers
In 2012, Brazil and the United States were the largest producers of biomass energy in the world. This is important because it shows that the US and Brazil have a lot of wood and natural gas and charcoal ect to burn to create biomass energy. -
-06 Earths resources
-Biomass for renewable energy, fuels and chemicals WEBSITES:
-Biomass Facts
-Crops facts
-Charcoal wikipedia -
I predict for the future that eventually we will run out of biomass materials to burn. This is because we use natural materials to make biomass fuels and unless we can grow those materials back, they will eventually run out. -
One of the current uses for biomass is to burn natural materials such as wood, crops, and charcoal to make biomass energy. Biomass energy is then used to power everyday tools, create hot water, direct combustion, gaseous fuel production and other basic life functions. -