First Sustained Flight with a Powered, Controlled Airplane
First Sustained Flight with a Powered, Controlled Airplane In 1903 Wilbur and Orville Wright created the Flyer, the first sustained fligt with a powered, controlled airplane. -
First Airplane Flight
First FlightOrville and Wilbur Wirght succuessfully flew the first airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. -
Jet Engines Designed
Jet Engines DesignedIn 1937 Frank Whittle and Hans von Ohain independently created and tested the first jet engine. -
First Solar Cell Created
First Solar Cell CreatedCreated in the U,S, when Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson created a cell called the silicon photovoltaic cell. This works because of how combining copper and cuprous oxide could create electricity from solar energy due to it's photosensitive ability. -
Space Satellites Begin to be Powered by Solar Cells
Space Satellites Begin to be Powered by Solar Cells The Vanguard I space satellite, Explorer III, and Vanguard II have solar panels to power the satellites. -
First Efficient Solar Cell
First Efficient Solar CellSolar cells also called silicon photovoltaic cells are being to be created that can efficiently create eletricity using the Sun's power. -
Solar Panels Redesigned to Reduce Cost
Solar Panels Redesigned to Reduce Cost Solar panels are redesigned in order to reduce the cost from $100 per watt to $20 per watt. -
First Solar Powered Aircraft
First Solar Powered AircraftPaul MacCready builds the first solar powered aircraft. It had over 16,000 solar cells that created over 3000 watts of power. -
Thin Film Solar Panels are Improved
Thin Film Solar Panels are Improved Solar panel film has been modified to be 15% effective, making solar panel technology that is lighter and still very effective. -
Creation of NASA's Solar Aircraft
Creation of NASA's Solar AircraftNASA worked on their own solar powered aircraft which was called Helios. Helios set a new world record for being a non-rocket aircraft that went 18 miles high.