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    Auguste Comte

    • FAther of sociology
    • published a book " Positive Philosophy"
    • wanted to use scientific observation in study of social behavior
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    Harriet Martineau

    • wrote about the inferior position of women in society -used her writing to discuss sociological work -translated Comte's Positive Philosophy
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    Karl Max

    • indicated the two types of industrial societies : bourgeoisie, Proletriat
    • unfolded history by making a class conflict
    • tried to change the world then just study it
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    Herbert Spencer

    • compared society to human body
    • explained " like a body a society is composed of parts working together to promote it's well being"
    • introduced Social Darwinism
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    Booker T Washington

    -under the assumption accept segregation in return for promises of economic gains
    - disagreed with Du Bois about the best course for African Americans
    - demands for civil rights and racial equality
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    Emile Durkheim

    • displays how suicide involves individuals acting alone
    • proved human behavior is shown by social factorss
    • introduced the use of statistical techniques in research on suicide
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    Jane Adams

    • involved in woman suffrage and peace movements
    • Focused on Imbalance of power among the social classes
    • publically encouraged people to see what industrialism did to lower class
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    George Herbert MEad

    • explored on how our sense of self-develops
    • believe interacting with the world would help develop yourself
    • made the foundation for the theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism
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    Max Weber

    • author of " The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism -introduced the development and nature of bureaucracy
    • introduced the method of "Verstehen"
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    Robert Ezra Park

    • was an aid for Washington
    • specialized in race relations and human ecology.
    • used Chicago to understand his learnings of collective behavior
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    W.E.B Du Bois

    • analyzed the sophisticated the social structure of African American Communities
    • Pan- African Movement - rights of all African descendants, no matter were they lived
    • documented the experience and contributions of african people throughout the world
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    Julian Samora

    • first known mexican american to earn doctorate in sociology -focus as on civil rights and discrimination -founded the Mexican - AMerican Graduate Studies Program