Birth of Stalin
Stalin is born in oseb Besarionis dze Jugashvili -
Birth of Leon Trotski
He was born in Yánovka, Russian Empire -
Ford's model T was created
Henry Ford wanted to "create the automobile for the people, the universal car". It was possible because of the creation of the assembly line. -
Diaz-Creelman Interview
Publication of Plan de San Luis
Francisco I. Madero published the Plan de San Luis after being imprissioned in San Luis Potosí -
Murder of Aquiles Serdán Family
Attacked by the police accussed of possessing weapons in their house -
Fancisco León de la Barra becomes interin president
This event marked the end of the Porfiriato -
Diaz leaves precidency
Orozco and Villa take Ciudad Juarez
Madero Takes Power over Mexico
Madero wins the elections with almost no oposition. -
Plan de Ayala
Promulgated and signed by the general Emiliano Zapata -
Plan Orozquista (Plan de la Empacadora) is proposed
A critic against the Maderist government -
Decena Trágica
Armed movement to take Madero out of the Power. Victoriano Huerta became president. -
Plan de la Embajada
Henry Lan Wilson, embasitor of the U.S.A Declared Madero's government invalid -
Victoriano Huerta's Dictatorship
Harsh period when lots of people were killed and imprisioned, Stimulated education in rural communities. Gave lands back to Mayo and Yaqui indians -
Assassination of Archiduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
Resignation Of Huerta
Austria declared War on Serbia
Austria send an ultimatum to serbia -
Period: to
World War I
Russia ordered its troops to get ready to fight
Germany asked Russia to stop but they didn't -
Germany declared war on Russia
Creation of Congress and constitution
Intended to give constitutional bases to the revolution by the creation of a consitution.
3º Article (education)
27º (agricultural property)
123º (Worker's Rights) -
Zimmerman Telegram
German diplomat Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegram to the Mexican leader asking him to join the war as an alliy. If Germany were to win, Mexico could get back texas and some other territories. Instead of accepting Carranza alerted the U.S.A. about the situation and stayed neutral. -
Rise of Red Army leaded by Trotsky
The workers and peasants red army -
USA enters WWI
USA declares war on the German Empire -
Bolshevik arrives from Europe
Period: to
Russian Revolution
14 Points of Woodraw Wilson
Intended to mantain peace. => Versailles Treaty -
End of Czarism
A Womens strike provocked a general rebelion on Petrogrand. After a week of confrontations the Tzar abdicates in favor of the government set by the duma (councli) -
Germany signed the armistice terms -
USSR is Created
Lenin's death
First nonstop transatlantic flight
He took of from the Roosevelt airfield and after a flight time of 33 hours and 32 minuts, he landed in Le Bourget airport, near Paris.
He made the first official flight of the mexican airline "Mexicana de Aviación" -
New Deal
Franklin Delano Rosevelt came up with the new deal idea to save the U.S.A. from going deeper into bankrupt.
-Government had control over the economy
-New rules for stock market were layed
-Creation of temporal jobs -
Trotsky's exile
He is exiled and goes to Mexico.Diego Rivera and Frida Khalo hosted him in their house. He is later murdered by a hitman sent by Stalin. -
Tlatelolco Massacre and Games of the XIX Olympiad
Mexico was elected as a host for the 1968 summer olympics. Ten daus before the sart of the contest, there was a students uprising which was demolished by a cruel action ofthe military and government