Society and Economy in 18th Century Europe

  • Agricultural Revolution in the 18th Century

    Agricultural Revolution in the 18th Century
    The Agricultural Revolution lasted throughout the 18th century. During this time, great changes in agricultural technology were made, and even improved the economy in the long run. Ultimately, the Revolution led to more crops and livestock, resulting in better nutrition, improving the quality of life. This is an example of change, because before the revolution, every three years a field had to be idled in order to maintain the nitrogen in the soil, but now this did not have to be done.
  • The Molasses Act is Passed

    The Molasses Act is Passed
    The Molasses Act was a British law that imposed a tax on goods imported from foreign colonies into the English colonies. The effects of the Molasses Act were prevented through the act of smuggling. Without smuggling, New England’s economy would’ve struggled, as their economy relied on the export of rum. This act was the first of many passed on the colonies. This was a continuity of acts previously passed on the colonies in the 17th century, and would have many more to follow (Stamp, Sugar, etc)
  • Blood Sports Hit Peak Popularity

    Blood Sports Hit Peak Popularity
    Blood sports were the biggest source of entertainment in Europe in the 1700s. Blood sports were one on one, typically resulting in death of the loser. An example would be bull fighting. Bets were usually placed on favorites in certain matchups. Most blood sports are now outlawed. However, when they existed, people were united under a common form of entertainment. This was a change in society, as sports were more extreme than ever and money was used in betting in hopes of profit.
  • Dramatic Population Increase Begins

    Dramatic Population Increase Begins
    This increase had many causes. Births exceeded deaths as the Plague had been eradicated due to quarantines. Also, improvements in water supply and sewage promoted better health, reduced insects in swamps, and decreased waterborne diseases. One last cause for this increase in population is due to the agricultural revolution. With better crop yield and livestock came better diets for people. This is a change. The population only increased .5-1% annually due to deaths from famine and war previously
  • Illegitimacy Boom Begins

    Illegitimacy Boom Begins
    Illegitimacy is being born to an unmarried couple. Younger couples began to marry on their own, without influence of their family, which was not typically the best interest of the family. As a result many women that were to be married had sex before marriage. However, typically marriage never happened because the husband did not have a secure job due to the Enclosure Movement. This is a continuity because it's a reaction of both the Enclosure Movement, and the European Population Boom coinciding
  • The Beginning of the Seven Years War

    The Beginning of the Seven Years War
    A war between France and Britain began, resulting in negative social effects in the end. Despite France's alliance with Canada and the Natives, the Treaty of Paris was signed and Great Britain acquired France's territory, improving their economy. However, this war created a weak sense of national pride within the English colonies, and would help lead to the American Revolution. This is a continuity in the 18th century. Wars between France and England for the New World lasted 62 years.
  • First Act of the Enclosure Movement is Passed

    First Act of the Enclosure Movement is Passed
    The Enclosure Movement took place to transform public farm plots into privately owned lands protected by barriers. By 1750, many people could not produce products due to lack of access to these fields. Thousands of people who had once relied on farming for their income now poured into English cities looking for new jobs, which lead to two consequences: unemployment and overpopulation. This is an example of change from the previous open-field society, in which more people had access to land.
  • Adam Smith Publishes Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith Publishes Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
    Adam Smith criticized guilds and corporations for their extreme restrictions followed by advice to the government, in which they should limit themselves to three duties: defense, civil order, and public institutions. The main point that people took was the importance of Economic Liberalism, in which the invisible hand of free competition benefits all individuals, This was a change. No one really took the same approach of the “invisible hand” to regulate economy without government assistance.
  • Industrial Revolution Begins

    Industrial Revolution Begins
    The Industrial Revolution brought social change. The amount of leisure time was reduced and the women/kid roles changed. They now worked on wage work, rather than around the house. Women worked with tedious work with little wages. The main industry was the textile industry, as wool was used to produce goods. With the help of the steam engine and coal, production was done faster which improved the economy. This was a change in European society, as a shift from farming to manufacturing occurred.
  • Proletarianization Arises During the Industrial Revolution

    Proletarianization Arises During the Industrial Revolution
    Proletarianization occurred in Europe during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. A new type of lower class worker who owned no property arose. They were paid a wage to work on someone else's land. These laborers were primarily agricultural, and worked on estates of landowners in return for small pay. This is a change because in the previous economic system, small landowners owned their own plots of land in which they worked on, rather than working on someone else’s land.