Fall of Rome
The Fall of Rome was important because the ending of Rome began the Dark Ages which led to chaos. Although the end of Rome led to chaos it also led to some of the greatest leaders, inventions and events of history. The Fall of Rome left people fighting for power and destroying any laws they had. -
Muhammad was a significant figure to Islam because Muhammad was the messenger of Allah. Prophet Muhammad received the Qur'an revelation from Allah through the Angel Gabriel. Without Muhammad there would be no Quran and no Islam. -
Jun 12, 600
The invention of the windmill was very beneficial; people used windmills for grinding grain and pumping water. Windmills helped people in there everyday life, before windmills, common things had to be done by hand. The windmill made things easier and faster. -
Oct 28, 742
Charlemagne (Father of Europe) was the greatest King of the dark ages: he never lost a battle, converted people to Christianity and gave kids education. He was a great King who almost brought the Dark Ages out of the chaos. The Carolingian Empire was at his strongest in 814 but that was also when Charlemagne died. -
Sep 7, 1028
William the Conqueror
William the Conqueror was an important figure because he established feudalism in England. William also lead the French in the Battle of Hastings, he was known for being one of the cruelest Kings during the Middle Ages. William brunt farms, destroyed food and killed livestock but he did build many castles so he could maintain control. -
Jun 11, 1041
Printing Press
The invention of the Printing Press made producing books easier and cheaper. It enabled the writer to produce hundreds of copies from just one copy of the work. The invention of the printing press then led to the invention of other things like the typewriter. -
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings was a very significant event, the battle decided who would take the throne and be the King of England. Whoever won determined how England would be ruled and what events happened after the battle. -
Aug 9, 1085
Doomsday Book was completed
The Doomsday book was a book that William the Conqueror was kept to determine who held what and what taxes where required. The Doomsday Book was important because it helped William attempt to conqueror England; this book told him who owed him what in taxes and because the information was on record, nobody could argue against a tax demand. -
Nov 27, 1095
First Crusade
The First Crusade was the start of eight; the crusades started because Pope Urban II wanted to take back the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims. The Crusades were significant because if Pope Urban hadn't fought this war most of us would be Muslims today. The Crusades helped the church out of corruption and back to its holy purpose -
Jun 12, 1137
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine was a amazing queen she was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in Western Europe. She accompanied her husband on the Second Crusade which was not common for a woman. Then soon after her son went off to fight in the crusade she ran England while he was gone. She was a brilliant woman who didn't let being a woman stand in the way of helping England. -
Jun 9, 1347
Black Death
The Black Plague was one of the worst pandemic events in history, the plague travelled from China to Europe in 1347 causing 25-45 million deaths. The plague was significant because it ended feudalism. The black death also caused a decrease in trade, crop failure, inflation and famine. -
Jun 12, 1415
The invention of the longbow helped the English in the Hundred Years' War; because the English had a smaller army than the French the longbow which shot more rapidly and farther than regular bow and arrows. The longbows gave the French a shot at winning the war. -
Jun 10, 1429
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc at seventeen was put in command of the French Army curing the Hundred Year War. Joan of Arc was important because the French started losing during the war but with Joan's help they ended up winning the war. Joan of Arc was the first women to be in power when doing a mans job she was a strong person and a great leader. -
The invention of gunpowder was significant because that lead to warfare to be carried to a greater distance including the inventions of muskets, cannons and rifles. Some of these inventions then led to Empires protecting themselves. -
Vikings were important to the Middle Ages because they traded valuable goods to places that didn't get them. Vikings also discovered many places because of the longboats they made; but Vikings raided and destroyed churches and killed monks to get gold and jewelry. Vikings were very good with strategy they had a plan of how long things would take, what supplies they needed and what people were coming.