socials T.4

  • Second Opium War

    Second Opium War
    1856 - 1860
    Two armed conflicts in China in the mid-19th century between the forces of Western countries and of the Qing dynasty.
  • Livingstone's expedition

    Livingstone's expedition
    (Victoria falls)
    In March 1858 Livingstone embarked upon a government-backed expedition to introduce commerce, civilization, and Christianity to the lands of Zambezi River and Lake Malawi.
  • Discovery of the source of the Nile

    Discovery of the source of the Nile
    In 1856 Speke joined Burton on another expedition to east Africa to search the source of the Nile. Then, they discovered another huge lake in the north of Tanganyika, he named it Lake Victoria and believed, correctly, that it was the source of the Nile.
  • Modernisation of Japan

    Modernisation of Japan
    It was the Meiji Restoration that finally abolished the strict class system and created a more free and democratic system that allowed the Japanese people to unleash their full potential.
  • Canadian Confederation

    Canadian Confederation
    It was the process by which three British North American provinces, the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, were united into one federation called the Dominion of Canada
  • Opening of the Suez Canal

    Opening of the Suez Canal
    On November 17, 1869, the Suez Canal was opened to navigation. Ferdinand de Lesseps would later attempt, unsuccessfully, to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama.
  • Industrial dyamo

    Industrial dyamo
    Dynamos were the first electrical generators capable of delivering power for industry.
  • Stanley's expedition

    Stanley's expedition
    (Central Africa)
    Henry Morton Stanley was instructed to go and find the missing explorer David Livingstone, and he found him. It was there that he uttered the famous phrase, "Dr. Livingstone, I suppose."
  • Telephone

    A system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio, by converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals.
  • Refrigerator

    An appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink.
  • Victoria's Empress of India

    Victoria's Empress of India
    In 1877, Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative Prime Minister, had Queen Victoria proclaimed as Empress of India.
  • Phonograph

    It's a device for the mechanical and analogue recording and reproduction of sound.
  • Electric lamp

    Electric lamp
    A lamp which electricity is the source of light.
  • Height of European emigration

    Height of European emigration
    This was the effect of a dramatic demographic transition in 19th-century-Europe, subsequent wars and political changes on the continent.
  • Anglo-Boer wars

    Anglo-Boer wars
    It was the first confrontation between the British Empire and the Dutch or Boer settlers of the Transvaal. It was unleashed when Sir Theophilus Shepstone annexed the Transvaal (South African Republic) to the United Kingdom in 1877.
  • Positive - ignition engines

    Positive - ignition engines
    It's an engine which combustion is initiated by a localised high temperature in the combustion chamber produced by energy supplied from a source external to the engine
  • Automobile

    The Benz Patent-Motorwagen built by the German Carl Benz, is widely regarded as the world's first practical automobile, a self-propelled vehicle for carrying people, and first car put into series production.
  • Cinematograph

    it's one of the first motion-picture apparatuses, used as both camera and projector.
  • Taylorism

    a factory management system developed to increase efficiency by evaluating every step in a manufacturing process and breaking down production into specialized repetitive tasks.
  • 1st flight by the Wright Brothers

    1st flight by the Wright Brothers
    the Wright brothers made history in their Kitty Hawk Flyer with the first powered flight. The first of four flights that day lasted just 12 seconds and traveled only 180 feet, but it proved that human flight was possible.