Daemonologie Written by King James VI
After travelling to Denmark wher the Witches Hammer was very popular, King James VI becomes addicted and writes Daemonologie -
King James VI becomes King James I of England
Gun Powder Plot
The Roman Catholics were angered because King James I was protestant. From this they decided to attempt to blow up parliament. The plot fas foiled. -
New Bible
King James makes a new bible that will be used for 250 years. -
King James I visits Scotland
For the first time after being crowned, King James I visits Scotland. -
King James I Dies
King James I dies due to stomach problems, leaving behind a copious amount of problems for his country. -
King Charles I Becomes King
Charles I, the son of James I becomes King of England. -
Petition of Rights
Parliament refuses to fund the king unless he signs the Petition of Rights that would give the everyday citizen rights. -
Short Parliament is Called
After 11 years of personal rule, the short parliament is called into session. -
Treaty of Ripon
The Treaty of Ripon is signed ending the Bishops' War -
Long Parliament
Charles I calls the Long Parliament because he is running out of money. -
Earl of Strafford
The Parliament creates the Earl of Strafford -
Inpeachment of Lord Strafford and of Archbishop Laud
Lord Strafford is executed
The Grand Remonstrance
Parliament forces the King to sign the Grand Remonstrance giving most of the remaining power to Parliament. -
King Declares War
King Charles I declares war on England. -
Execution of Archbishop Laud
Scotland hands over Charles I
After losing and fleeing to Scotland, the Scots hand Charles I back over to Parliament. -
Charles I Trial Begins
Charles I is put on trial for overthrowing himself. -
Prides Purge
Cromwell and other puritans rid parliament of all Presbytarians, leaving the rump parliament -
Charles I is Executed
Charles II crowned King of Scots
Rump Parliament Abolishes Monarchy
Cromwell Arrives in Ireland
Cromwell Leave Ireland
Charles II Flees England for Normandy
Cromwell Disbands Rump Parliament
Cromwell Named Lord Protector
Cromwell Dies
Cromwell dies leaving Parliament to his son Richard -
Richard Cromwell Resigns
Charles II Dies
James II takes the throne and he is a firm believer in catholocism. Despite the test act, he puts catholics in high positions. He firmly believes in the Divine Right of Kings -
William and Mary Take the Throne
For the very first time parliament invites royals to the throne instead of it being passed down through heritage. -
Bill Of Rights
William and Mary sign the Bill of Right giving parliament all of the power it needs to run the country -
Seed Drill Invented
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. -
Steam Engine Invented
Newcomen invents the steam engine. -
Cast Iron Invented
The process of creating cast iron is made. -
Fall of Quebec
Quebec is surrendered to the British. -
First Canal is Built
The first canal was built. Canals were key to the transportation of people and cargo. -
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Paris was signed ending the fight for North America -
Royal Proclamation
The Royal Proclamation is signed making all of the land west of the Appalachians closed for speculation. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was put in place that caused an increase in price for stamps. -
Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty, and internal organization, is created. -
Stamp Act Removed
After many protests, the Stamp Act is removed. -
Boston Massacre
After a night of violent protests, the British open fire on protesters killing 9. -
Boston Tea Party
People throw tea into the water after taxes increased the price of them. -
Quebec Act
Quebec gets favourable rights when the Quebec Act is put into place. -
Intolerable Acts
The intolerable acts are put into place in reaction to the Boston Tea Party. -
Battle of Lexington Green
Shot heard around the world. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence is signed. -
Battle of Brooklyn
Washington Crosses the Delaware
Battle of Princeton
Americans win driving the British out of New Jersey. -
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Final major battle of the Revolutionary War. British Surrender. -
Steam Powered Mills
Steam powered textile mills are put into place in Britain. -
Estates General
Louis XVI calles the Estates General for the first time in 150 years. -
National Assembly
The Third Estate becomes the National Assembly with the Tennis Court Oath. -
Takes the Bastille
The French People stormed the Bastille. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is signed. -
Women Storm Versaille
Women of Paris march on Versaille. -
Louis XVI is Executed
Robespierre is Elected
Factory Act is Passed
Factory act is passed giving rights to factory workers. -
Code Napoleon is Created
Napoleon Becomes Emperor
Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France. -
Napoleon is Exiled to St. Helena
For the final time Napoleon is exiled where he will die. -
Child Labour Becomes Illegal
First Unions Made
The first unions are created to help with working conditions. -
The First Train
The Rocket is built. -
Liverpool-Manchester Railway Opens
Poor Law
A law that unsuccesfully tried to help the poor.