socials 9 final

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Jul 19, 1500

    conflict is sparked in north america

    conflict is sparked in north america
    After columbous encountered first nations people, the europians claimed the land as there own and took there people as slaves. This made the first nations upset and caused oonflict. Europe had much more power because of there eqiptment and large army.
  • Jul 18, 1505


    • african families would be taken away from there homes and put onto ships with terrible living conditions and were sold as property
    • they were transported from west africa to the carabien, to the 13 coloanies
    • britain benifited from this ecnomicly
    • there owners could not be held responsable for harming them in any way
    • they were forsed to work and were whipped if they did anything wrong
  • Jul 1, 1510

    daily life of aborigionals

    daily life of aborigionals
    there were many differnet tribes of aborigionals such as the inuit haida,ojibwa,coast sailish, iroquios and black foot. most of them included the same rituals:
    - music included powow and the elk skin drum
    - colourfull beaded costumes, moccosins
    - the belief of certain animals having super natural powers and spirits
  • Jun 12, 1520


    • countries claimed land as theres and called it there colonie
    • britain had 13 colonies in america
    • france colonized quebec
    • countries decide the law, taxes, military matters in there colanies, the colonie is basicly controlled by who ever owns it
  • Jun 12, 1525


    • an embalance of powers between two empires
    • one region is dominant and more powerful and rules over the other
  • King charles l

    King charles l
    -king charles tried to loan large amounts of money from parliment
    - they gave it to him untill it go out of hand
    - he tried to arrest parliment for not giving him the money
    - he was exsicuted in 1649
  • Hudson bay company

    Hudson bay company
    • started by two french traders; pierre Radisson and medard des Groseilliers -they made a trade post by the hudson bay
    • it was a huge sucsess
    • they traded mostly beaver pelts
  • the test of acts

    the test of acts
    • parlement issued an act that suported religous freedom of catholics
    • before it was signed catholics were not allowed to vote, have political power or have a profesion
    • this made the church of england extremly powerfull
  • the glorious revolution

    the glorious revolution
    • james ll was replaced by kind william and queen mary, rulers of england
    • they signed the bill of rights
    • it said that parliment will run the country
    • how ever the document was not allways obeyed
  • war of grand alliance

    war of grand alliance
    • series of battles and conflict betweeen france and england over who got to colanaize in north america
    • Lois XIV (king of france) wanted to expand there territory on north america but 6 nations allied together and stoped him
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    • america wanted to seperate from brittain because they taxed them so heavily witch caused the revolution
    • british troops were stationed through out the 13 colonies
    • families were forced to accomidate soldeirs in there homes
    • one day an order was miss understood by one of the british soldeirs and they shot several people
    • this was used as propaganda against britain
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    Over 100 americans dressed up as mohawks and snook onto bitish trade ships that contained britains tea suply. They dumped all there tea into the harbour as resistance against the tea act.
  • the decleration of independence

    the decleration of independence
    a document that declared the 13 colonaies are no longer apart of the british empire
  • the fall of bastille

    the fall of bastille
    • people were fed up with king Louis spending all the money, nearly starving them and the taxes and high proces of bread
    • A large mob attacked the prison and fortress of bastille and released prisoners
    • the national assembly tried to handle it
    • the king tried to run away
  • the reign fo terror

    the reign fo terror
    -a period of exteeme violence in france
    - large amounts of people were thrown in prison or guillotined
    - over 40,000 people were killed
  • the factory age

    the factory age
    -working from home was now replaced with factorys, machines now did what humans used to by hand.
    - kids were sent to work as young as 7 and many lost limbs from working with dangerous machinery
    - a law was passed that kids could not work more than 12 hours a day
    - from 1811-1816 the mechanical looms were vandalized and destroyed as an act of rebeliance
  • peterloo massacre

    peterloo massacre
    workers were shot by british soldiers
  • devolpmetn of railways

    devolpmetn of railways
    • george and robert stephonson built the "rocket!' wich at the time was teh fastes way of transporting
    • more and more rail ways were put up and trains were updated, cutting travel time in half and making it easier to get places
  • the irish potato famine

    the irish potato famine
    in 1845 the staple food sorce of europe was diseased. many familys grew and lived off of there own potatos. this starved many people in ireland causing them to imagrate to the cities and increasing the population.