Socials 20's and 30's Events

  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Winnipeg General Strike
    This was the largest strike in Canadian history. 30,000 workers left their jobs. This strike united Canada's working class
  • Maritime Rights Movement

    Maritime Rights Movement
    A protest that was at it's greatest in 1920. It recognised unfair economic policies that were effecting the economy's of multiple provinces. It had been triggered by the declining influence in confederation and lack of interest in transportation.
  • Period: to

    30s & 30s Timeline

    Important things
  • Discovery Of Insulin

    Discovery Of Insulin
    Canadian physician Fredrick Banting and student Charles H. Best discovered insulin. By injecting it into a diabetic dog, and seeing what it does they purified it. They were therefore able to treat millions of people over the years world wide for diabetes.
  • Chanak Affair

    Chanak Affair
    When Britain called on Canada to help them fight against Turkey, Prime Minister Mackenzie King declined the automatically provide military. By the time the matter was addressed, the situation was over.
  • Halibut Treaty

    Halibut Treaty
    A Canadian-American agreement on fishing in the northern pacific ocean. The treaty confirmed Canada's political and economical place in north America. It was the first treaty Britain was not involved in. It was a mark of growing Independence in Canada
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday was the fourth and last day of the stock market crash. The value of stocks dropped so quickly investors didn't know the extent of their losses until later in the day, many lost everything. This tragic day in history triggered an economic depression.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Many Canadians were left left unemployed, hungry and homeless after the economy fell. It was a hard time for many people because money seemed to just vanish. Government aid was sent out, although many thought accepting charity was a sign of failure and many were reluctant at first.
  • Statute Of Westminter

    Statute Of Westminter
    The self-governing dominions within the British empire would be equal in status. This gave Canada more independence.
  • CBC Radio

    CBC Radio
    CBC, started as a radio broadcast. Canada now had a sense of independence and the audio and later visual, was CBC who expresses Canada's identity.
  • Canada Goes Back To War

    Canada Goes Back To War
    Seven days after Britain and France declared war, Canada's leaders looked to the Canadian Federal Parliament seeking to declare war on Germany.