First Nations Role Of Women
picturefirst nation women had a huge role of their tribe. The Mi'maqae and haudossene participated in consenses meetings and stayed home as housewifes. But the Anishibee women had a different role. They would do all the same thing as the other tribes, but they also hunted smaller animals. -
Womens role in fur trade
The woman would participate in the fur trade by: preparing furs, working forts like making moccasins and clothing, they collected birch bark and spruce gum for making canoes. They wove fishing nets and snowshoes and gathered firewood. They would work on the road. -
New France
pictureThe New France women would stay by theyre husbands side and took care of children and house chores -
Brittish North american act
pictureThe Brittish North American Act was when some women were granted the right to vote and to have a say in the politucal future of Canada -
westward expansion
pictureWomen held many responsibilities during the westward expansion, such as managing the movement of households overland, establishing social activities in pioneer settlements, and sharing the hard labor of farming new land. Frontier life was highly social, and women participated in many activities with their neighbors such as barn raisings, corn huskings, and quilting bees. Many women found work in the sex trade in early mining towns. Eventually, frontier towns attracted women who worked as laundre -
picture mothers and teachers to madams and physicians.domestic servants, like taking care of children making food, clothes, getting stuff for their husbands, cleaning everthing, doing all the laundry, made almost all supplies needed from the husband. One of the most popular job from women was being a teacher. http://homesteadcongress.blogspot.ca/2009/03/tears-and-tenacity-diverse-roles-of.html -
picturewomen took up jobs in governmental departments.
took up clerical positions in private offices.
worked on in agricultural positions.
women took up posts in the munitions industry, which was dangerous work. The war meant women had to take on a number of traditionally male roles. Their ability to do this led to a change in attitudes.
Many more women did hard heavy work, including ship building and furnace stoking. These types of jobs had excluded women prior to the war. -
the great depression
pictureSinse that men were losing their jobs they would have search for a job somewhere else in the world to support their family, or the women would get jobs to support the family. -
pictureMany women decided that they would work in a factory. They worked in all manner of production ranging from making ammunition to uniforms to aeroplanes. The Women’s Voluntary Service provided fire fighters with tea and refreshments when the clear-up took place after a bombing raid.They also looked after people who had lost their homes from Germans bombing. In the military, all three services were open for women to join - the army, air force and navy. Women were also appointed as air raid wardens -
Women’s roles were greatly changed in the 1950s, with the men coming back from war and taking their jobs back. Women had, during World War II, taken men’s jobs while they had been away at war. So the women were granted their jobs -
modern day
pictureThe role of women has vastly changed from the first Nations to what it is today. Women have the rights to do anything that men can. They can do any job, even run for president now. The only thing they cant do is play in professional sports, they have their own seperate league for women.