Social Welfare in the Eras

  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Social welfare was an issue before the civil war started in 1861 that had lasting impacts. What started it all was a refusal from the federal government to support social welfare services for 75 years. During this era the focus was on mentally ill, veterans, and about to be freed slaves trying to potentially make live better for all. However, government leaders got in the way each time differently.
    Extra Notes:
  • Industrialization/ Migration

    Industrialization/ Migration
    From 1890 to 1920 America began to boom with population and inventions. The shift from farm life to city life began. People began to come to America to achieve the dream. This brought on new widespread disease and more deaths at birth. Streets became over populated with crime and unsanitary conditions. When people went into work including child machines were dangerous and hours were outrageous. That caused plenty of people to suffer even more with mental illness.
  • Progressive

    From early 1900s to WW1 this era reflects Roosevelt. A big shift happen from the government having n part of social issues to now it is responsible of the well-being of Americans.The idea of big businesses would hurt America and the need to protect the "little'' people began. Social workers really supported this movement. Labor laws started to come into play as well as reserving resources. Wilson took over and continued the ideology. Everything worked for took a turn after war.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Hoover became president in 1928 after being known as a prohibitionist and humanitarian. Many social workers supported him and prohibition. The stock market crashed in 1929 leading to devastation. 6 million were out of work and numbers raised weekly. People fled America as unemployment was up 24 percent as industries crashed. Hoover did nothing and relied on state's and voluntary actions. When he decided to help nothing was effective and he began to get mocked. FDR won and took office next.
  • Post WW2

    Post WW2
    After WW2 ended it began to look rough in America again. Previous ideology began being looked at as communist. Welfare programs suffered and none was formed. Welfare people began to get publicly shamed. Many leaders wanted welfare programs, but seemed to get no where. Poverty was lower, but not completely gone like America thought. The bounce back happened and America became the richest in 1960, but still struggled to take care of their people. Civil rights movement to begin in the 60s.
  • Entitlement

    Nixon was in office and did not support the programs previously placed. He took federal money and shifted it to states and locals. Even with lacking support of the "poor" he allowed SSI to be birthed. Made all states support food stamps with federal responsibility. He formed shelters, justice systems, family planning, job training, and others. In 10 years social welfare funding/programs increased 18%. That decreased when Reagan took office next in 1980 the start of a new era.